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"hey luke? anything from mackenzie yet?" lukes mother asked him with a bit of hope in her that the girl had atleast spoken.

"no.. she hasnt come out yet and school is just getting worse.." luke responded in a saddened tone. the boy misses his bestfriend. he misses her hugs and goofy personality she carried around with her. he misses the sound of her singing and playing her instruments for the band.

"she'll come around. how is reggie doing with ths?" emily asked, making lukes smile drop more.

"hes um.. taking it pretty badly. apparently hes slept outside of her bedroom door a couple of times. and their parents are only getting worse." luke said as he looked down.

"trust me when i say this, shes going to come out. it might not be soon but she will. nothing could bring her down to the point where she is completely not ok. all she needs right now is one long hug. shes like you with that sense of touch, feeling comfort from the little things." emily said as she held lukes shoulders.

"thanks mom.. im gonna go to school now, see you later."

"have fun at school." emily said as her son left the house and climbed into reggies car, sitting in he front seat.

as reggie drove around the block to alexs house, luke filled the boy in on what his mom said.

"luke as much as i want that to work too, this is mackenzie we are talking about. that girl is one of the strongest people i know and to see her like this is killing me." reggie said as alex climbed in.

"whos strong?" alex asked as he tried to get involved in the conversation.

"kenz. we need a plan to fix this." luke said, looking down at his song book then back up and out the window.

after they picked up bobby and went to the school, the four walked in and stood by mackenzies locker. this went on for about 10 minutes, but then the first period bell rang and they had to get t class.

"shes not going to show up.." bobby said as he looked around.

"no shit." reggie said, walking away so he could get to class.

"reggies anger is kinda scaring me. another thing to add to my list of changes." alex said to luke and bobby as the walked away to class together.

when it came around lunch time, the four boys sat down at their usual table, making sure to leave a spot open if kenzie would ever show up.

but, mackenzie didnt. she came into the school as the four boys left her locker so they didnt even know she came. so at lunch, she avoided everyone and skated around outside on her skateboard.

"look who it is!" a petty voice called out, making mackenzie stop what she was doing.

"what." mackenzie said, turning around to see sarah and her new friends.

sarah started to talk to the girl but instead of responding, or even listening, mackenzie picked up her board and went back into the school.

"just you watch it stanton." sarah called out, earning the middle finger from mackenzie.

the blonde put her skateboard in her locker and grabbed her books for the next class she had, considering lunch was almost over anyways.

by the end of the day, mackenzie had avoided everyone who attemted to speak to her and went to her locker. she grabbed her backpack and put whatever she needed inside, then reached back in for her skateboard.

"what the.." she said, not seeing the skateboard in her locker.

"looking for something?" sarah asked with an evil smirk.

"where is it." mackenzie asked, knowing well enought  sarah did something.

sarah just laughed at her, walking away to join her friends.

mackenzie frowned and out her head down as she walked out of the school and towards her house. usually the girl hd her skateboard so she would be home within 10 minutes but now its going to take her 15-20 minutes.

a car pulled up next to the girl as she walked, four boys inside.

"come on kenz.. i'll drop you off home." reggie begged from inside the car.

"no. im perfectly fine walking." she responded, looking back down and walking forward. the boys all frowned as reggie accepted the girls answer and continued to the studio.

"doesnt she ride her skateboard to school now? why didnt she have it." bobby asked.

"maybe she walked today?" alex said knowing the girl wouldnt walk.

"your kidding? she hates walking to school. something had to've happened." luke said as he looked out the window at kenzie, seeing the sadness on her face.

"now we just gotta rehearse for a bit then we can try to figure this out." bobby said, reggie shaking his head.

"no, shes just going to go in her room and not speak until tomorrow. we have to keep trying to talk to her at school since she cant run and hide there." reggie said, the boys nodding too agree with him

as they tried to speak to her each day, they werent successful. the only thing they found out was that someone stole her skateboard from her since she has been walking to school and its no where to be found at home.

The boys started to get more angry at their peers than sad Mackenzie wouldn't speak to them. Alex was doing his best to keep Luke and even Reggie from exploding and beating someone up while Bobby gave little effort.

6 more chapters 🥺🙊

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ