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"Hey Luke, where's Macky? She hasn't come around lately." Emily asked Luke, noticing the five foot blonde hasn't come over in a while.

"The kids at school are picking on her and she won't leave her room." Luke said, sitting down on the living room sofa, arms crossed.

"Well you better be trying to help her because I know Reggie must be a mess too since their parents are.. well the way they are." Emily said as she sat next to her son.

Luke shook his head, frowning towards the group. "Of course I'm trying to help her mom. But I know if I try to fight with them then I'll get suspended and Kenz will get mad." He said, now standing up and pacing around the room.

"Well what exactly happened, why is she so upset?" Emily asked, trying to get as much out of him as possible.

"Sarah, her old best friend, started a rumor that Mackenzie kissed her boyfriend at a party. She told the whole school during an assembly." Luke said, running his hands through his hair in total panic.

"Sarah Davis? Little Sarah Davis caused all of this? And is it true?" Emily asked.

"Yes she did, and of course it's not true. Mackenzie has had a crush on the same person since the eighth grade and she won't tell us who, and it definitely isn't that jerk of a boyfriend Sarah has." Luke said, almost yelling.

"Luke I understand your mad about this but no yelling!" Emily said, seeing the anger rise in Luke.

"Mom you don't get it. Mackenzie is my bestfriend and to see her go through this is tearing me apart. Especially since I can't do much to help!" Luke yelled, seeing his mom now getting frustrated.

"Luke I get it! Just stop yelling!" Emily yelled back.

Luke scoffed and went to the front door of his house, walking out and slamming it shut. This was usually how his and his mother's arguments end. One always leaves.

Usually in a situation like this, Luke would go to Mackenzie, being she is the only one who could help him calm down. But obviously she isn't in the mood to help anyone, not even herself.

That was one thing that scared Luke. He didn't know if she was ok in her room. For all he knew she could be dead on the floor with the state of mind she's in right now.

But, he did have some hope that maybe, just maybe, Mackenzie would make it out of this.

He went to the Stanton house, mostly to check in on Mackenzie but also talk to Reggie.

"Hey man, what's up?" Reggie asked as he opened the front door and saw Luke.

Reggie was taking the Mackenzie thing hard too. He hasn't been making all these jokes and stuff since she's been in there.

"Just.. checking in. I needed to get away from my parents." Luke said as the two went upstairs to sit in reggies room.

"Wait." Luke said, stopping infront of Kenzie's door.

He knocked a couple of times. There wasn't any response but he could hear her soft crying. All he wanted to do was hear her say one word. That's all.

"She's not going to do anything. I try every day and all that happens is a shoe being thrown at the door." Reggie said, the two continuing to his room.

"How long do you think she'll be in there?" Luke asked.

Reggie shook his head and said "I don't know. It's already been about two weeks. I miss her."

The two boys frowned. The bedroom door opened and two more boys came in.

"What are you two doing here?" Reggie asked Alex and Bobby as they came in.

"I was freaking out at home and attempted to check on Mackenzie but she threw a shoe at the door. and Bobby drove me here." Alex said, sitting down against the wall.

"Guys we have to do something. Letting her stay in there is not good." Luke said, standing up and pointing out the door.

"Luke don't you think maybe a break from reality is what she needs?" Bobby asked, the other three looking at him.

"Bobby she hasn't spoken to one person in two weeks. Her reality break would've been over right now. But she's really upset and she feels alone. No one should feel like that!" Luke said to Bobby.

"Look, all I'm saying is maybe this is helping her." Bobby added.

Luke glared at the boy knowing well enough that this isn't going to help her.

"Ok enough!" Reggie said to the two bickering boys.

They all sat in silence, Mackenzies sobs being heard through the walls considering their rooms were right next to each other.

"Guys.. we need a plan.." Alex said, breaking the silence that took over the room.

"Luke, your the only person who can actually speak to her without being screamed at, you know anything we could do?" Reggie asked, now everyone looking to Luke.

"You guys, if we try to speak to her, she's either going to stay in there longer or just not respond." Luke said as he walked around the room.

They all knew Luke wasn't handling the situation well. Usually him and Mackenzie would be at the studio right now fooling around and rehearsing with the others.

The happiness of the entire band faded knowing that someone who was a little sister to all of them. And Mackenzies happiness, it disappeared and turned pitch black.

"Ok ok, tomorrow in school, if she even shows up we are going to attempt to speak to her. If she doesn't show, we try the next day." Alex said, tired of all the silence.

The three other boys nodded, leaving the room to go home.

"Goodnight Kenz." Luke said as he stopped by her door to knock.

A shoe was thrown to the door, a good sign that she's atleast alive.

"Ok.." he said, walking down the stairs and out the front door.

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now