Harsh truths

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The child and Mara entered behind the 2 helmet people and saw a the grand halls of shining walls and armored figures that all turned to cast their eyeless gaze upon her and Mara

Y/n reached out her hand to Mara and thankfully felt the gloved hand wrap around hers

"It's ok child, there is no reason to fear while I am here"
Mara whispers to her before looking back up to the two helmet people they were both following

"Mara you told us that when you left you were going to peruse a career as a bounty hunter, how is that working for you?"

The helmet lady asked without looking back

"It keeps me fed and well of financially for the most part....and it's full of surprises"

Mara glanced at y/n whom beamed at Mara knowing she meant her, they four of them entered a large room that contained a massive Fire place that wasn't currently lit

The room also contains a large table that was low to the ground with cushions in place of chairs, Mara and y/n sat opposite of the two other helmet people

"So I can see, so who might this little orange one be?"
Asked the same helmet woman as they all sat

Mara put her hand on y/ns back and nodded towards the other two helmet people

"My name is y/n....Um... I lived on hoth before Mara saved me...Ummm I lived with my aunt and uncle...umm"

Y/n was nervous and nearly blurted out how she was training to be a magic person then remember what Mara had told her about that

"I wanna be a clone trooper when I grow up!"

This drew a laugh from Mara but the other two helmet people sat unmoving and stared at her


Y/n didn't know what else to say and looked to Mara then at the other two helmeted faces

"That is enough child, please wait outside while we discuss some things "


Mara didn't like leaving y/n alone outside and looked to her parents

"Dose she need to leave? Maybe she could...."

Her "mother" cut her off
"No, she stays outside, this is things we must discuss with you Mara, y/n waits outside

Mara nodded to y/n signaling her to leave

She returned her gaze to the two mandolorians in front of her, her "father" wasted no time

"What of the child's family, are they dead?"

Mara put her hand sideways, a sign for mostly
"Parents are dead, the aunt and uncle were both alive when I took y/n"

"Hmmm, most odd, why did you take this child? I have a sneaking suspicion that they family didn't give you permission"

"They weren't family by blood, and...."
She felt shame at what she said next

"I took y/n because she had a bounty to bring her in , 50,000,000 credits "

Her parents looked to each other in disappointment

"Mara....we are mandolorians, he gave honor, we don't deal in children "

"I didn't know y/n was a child when I took the job, nor did I know why they wanted her at the time "

"And why was that?"

Mara faltered not wanting to say anything that would tip off her parents

"Umm ....... a slave ...."

It was technically true but a weak cover

"Hmmmm, y/n seems to be very happy with you, you obviously care for her but we cannot ignore the fact you stole her, before she can become your foundling you must confer with her family be it by blood or not, if they take y/n back then there is nothing you can do, we have spoken "

Mara stood her hope of making y/n her founding dying because of something she hadn't even considered, a truth she had hid from

Mara had stolen y/n, she had never returned to see if the aunt and uncle were still alive, it seemed she would find out soon

Mara was inwardly furious with herself, this long trip down dirt side for nothing

She exited to find y/n sitting across from a mandolorian foundling, Mara recognized the girl by the wings etched into her helmet

It was cute to see y/n sitting with the little mando both talking about some sort of game

"Y/n, I see your making friends "

Y/n looks up and smiles
"Mhmm, this is Messa, she told me we could meet her friend Paz"

"Maybe next time sweetheart, we need to get back to Ace and sarrak, goodness knows they can't get along without us"

Y/n nods
"Ok, bye bye Messa, see you soon"

The little mando nods and wave wordlessly

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