The child

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Mara walked past the Jedi and saw two humans, they both shook in fear, she slipped the Jedis lightsaber into her belt

"Where is the one they call y/n?"

They both froze and said nothing, but they had already given her what she needed, as soon as she had said y/n the man had looked at one of the rooms in a split second witch she had just barely caught

she smiles under her helm switching her blaster to stun before she blasted them both, she walked past their unconscious bodies

She got to the door readying her blaster as she slowly opened the door to find something she hadn't expected and really hoped was not her target, because if it was she didn't know if she could do it

What she saw was a little Togruta girl with orange skin and those strange white tendrils that replaced hair, she had little white bits on her face and big hazel eyes and a stuffed toy clone trooper clutched in her tiny hands

Mara was at a loss for what to say so she said the first thing she could think of

"Hello There"

The child looks up at her scared and confused
"What's happening?"

"That depends, are you y/n?"

The little one nods making maras heart sadden, she was the target......but she was only a youngling, why her?

Mara sighs
"Well then you need to come with me, the bad peoples are trying to get you, but you'll be safe if you come with me"

Mara sees that the lie fooled the child pretty easily as they nod and hold the stuffed clone tightly

"Are you gonna take me to the....."
She tried to think of the word

"Ummm, I don't remember what their called, the magic people "

Mara nods even though she has no idea what she meant, did she mean Jedi?

She snapped back to reality in an instant and looks at the child before reaching out her hand
"Trust me, I'll take you to a better place "

The child nods and Mara went to her picking her up where she put her head on maras chest plate

She got past the two human bodies without waking them or letting the child see, she went past the still breathing Jedi as well

She had shot the Jedi's ear off, not killed, some clones outside however were a different story

She radios the whole team
"Rally up at the ship, we gotta leave, I've got the target "

She ran out the door past the two humans, they must not have been the biological parents, at least it might be Easier for her to leave them

She ran out the door finding ace and the lizard waiting and the three started running

Both of them didn't get a good look at what was in her arm as they ran, she shot in front of them clearing a way through the clones, at least the others had done there job in holding the clones back

They jumped onto the ship and she triggered a remote launch sending them into space

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