Meet the parents

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They redirected the ship away from its current course towards mandalore at great dissatisfaction to the captain

"Madam Mara would you care to explain this change of course?"

Mara really didn't want to but gave a quick response
"I need to do something on mandalore, it's a tradition in regards to something very sacred to my people "

The captain shook his head
"You can't just highjack a republic star carrier for your own personal use, tradition be damned "

She had to stop herself from shooting this fool in the head, insulting a mandalorians tradition to her face was an enormously bad idea if you wanted to keep existing

"you are not in command here captain, we are going to mandalore"

He went to say otherwise but Mara placed her hand on her blaster to silence him

"I have spoken"

With a turn and a flip of her cape she walked out heading to the main dock where ace and y/n were and her hammer fall company

She reached them quickly and found that y/n was already trying to make friends with the company, unfortunately not all of the clones were very happy with this

About 4 clones stood away from y/n giving her a nasty look, this alone made maras blood boil, what could they possibly be mad at her y/n for?!

She realized only know how very over protective she was over the little orange bean

She glared at the 4 clones as she passed although her face was thankfully hidden by the masks

"Alrighty them boys, we are heading to mandalore, only for a few days tho, I have a a few things me and y/n need to do, unfortunately it requires the rest of you to stay out of this, even you two"

She pointed at ace and sarrak
"I'm sorry, this is something very important, I can't have anyone else there"

Ace looked a bit confused
"Wait your going alone? Why didn't you tell us this?"

"Because I couldn't, I shouldn't even be telling you this, I'll be back as soon as I can "

She left to get the "lucky" ready for departure taking y/ns hand in her own

"Come my little one, we must also prepare you for this, make sure you look nice"

Y/n asked tilting her head"

"Because we are meeting some very important people, they are like me, I guess you could call them a clan"

"Their helmet people?"

Mara laughed a little
"Exactly, helmet people "

She grabbed a cloth and whipped off y/ns face
"They will be asking you some questions, then they might ask you to do somethings, but whatever you do it would be best if you didn't tell them you're a jedi yet"


"Because they wouldn't understand very well"

"If it's dangerous for y/n to go there then perhaps she shouldn't go"

Mara jumped and spun to see one of the damned jedi themselves, she thought they hadn't come on this ship

"Sneaky little thing "
She muttered

She was little more then a girl herself looking incredibly similar to y/n with her orange skin and head tendrils

"I will protect her, this is not a Jedi matter girl"
Mara said with poly concealed rage breaking through her voice as she tried desperately not to simply knock this girl out

"the name is ahsoka, and y/n is a pawawan making this a jedi matter"

Mara growls
"This is purely mandolorian business, I will ask you kindly to please stay out of this"

Ahsoka shook her head
"With all die respect that's not in the cards"

Mara shook her head
"Don't make me put you in your place, I know you're a good kid but this is something beyond what you think it is"

Ahsoka thought for a second
"Fine, but if I need to I'm will come down there"

"Please don't"
She said really hoping that the jedi make 9 appearance's

Mara looked to y/n who was looking more nervous now
"Hey hey, it's all gonna be ok, I remember when I was going through the same thing, my mother gave me some advice, wanna know what that is?"

Y/n nods

"She said 'whatever happens, whatever hardships you go through, there will alway be someone there helping you along, even when they arnt with you they are always there, I'll always be there to help you, even when I'm not around "

Y/n thought on this for a while before looking up to Mara
"Thank you...."

You're welcome my dear"

They jumped to light speed and traveled quickly until they reached maras home planet, mandalore

It wasn't her true home world but she had grown to see it as such

She said goodbye to her crew and the clone company before taking y/n Dow
N with her in the lucky towards the outskirts

Y/n sat on her lap as she flew over the beautiful planet

"Wow, this is so nice"

Considering the only place y/n had lived was hoth and corasont, she doubted y/n had ever seen real beauty

Mara found what she was looking for, a large fort with a giant metal signet on the side, it was the skull of some great creature, it was her home

She headed towards the landing pad and saw 2 helmeted Mandos walking towards them, she knew them very well, the clan leaders, her parents

She got out of the pilot's seat and looked at her as she held her hand

"Don't be too nervous, and remember I'm alway with you "

She walked down the ramp of her ship and stood waiting for her parents to arrive as was customary

"Greetings Mara, it has been too long"

Said her mother Not seeming to notice y/b

Her father saw her right away

"I see you have some explaining to do Mara, please, enter into the fort, it isn't always safe out here "

(1000 words, also I just got star wars battlefront 2, if y'all wanna play, hit me up, gsmertag is Cyberminer03

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