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Sha koon

Sha koon felt the barrel of the blaster against her neck and froze

How? How had someone snuck into the temple and how had she not sensed them

"you took something from me, and I want her back"

Y/n looks up from the window and smiles shouting
Then running over to hug the bounty hunter

Sha looks to her uncle who had been slowly reaching for his saber

"hey! Hands away from that or I will shoot"

Plo koon
Plo stopped

"keen observation, but i cant allow this to happen hunter, your are steeling a child"

he felt her glare even through the helmet

"and how is that any different then what the jedi do?"

plo was taken aback by this, he had never thought of it like that but now wasn't the time to dwell on that

"and what would you do once you left with the child? you know they will send jedi to hunt you down, is that the life that you want for her? to be hunted? always moving, never having a chance?"

he breathes trying to asses wether this was working

"in this temple she has a chance to live a good life, she will be well educated, well fed, and trained in the ways of the force "

this seemed to shake mara a bit

"but I wouldn't be in her life would I?"

plo stroked his chin
"Well it is our tradition to have no attachment, it can could...."

She cut him off

"I will be in her life because she needs me.....and I need her, so unless you cans make her a Jedi wile I am taking care of her, then No"

Plo sighs, he had felt with many people in his time but none quite so stubborn except maybe anikin

"Perhaps I can work something out, this girl is incredibly strong in the force, especially for how young she is"

Mara growls the puts a boot to the back of Shaw head pushing her forward

She picked up y/n
"If you think you have a way for her to have a good life and that I can take care of her then you tell me, if not then we hop ship tomorrow morning l

Mara put the forehead of her helmet to the child's own forehead as she shot out a windo so a ship could pick her up and she hopped over to the ship with the child in arms before throwing a communicator to him

"See what you can do, and if you end up having to hunt me then I'm Sorry for what I will do to you

Plo nods
"I'll do what I can"


Y/n held to Mara with such happiness and joy that she whipped tears of joy from her face

"I missed you Mara "

"I missed you to you little orange devil, but now we can finally be together, nobody's gonna take you again "

When Mara set y/n down she instantly ran around looking for ace and sarrak, when she found them she hugged ace around the legs almost making him trip them she hugged sarrak

They all gathered in the cockpit where they got strapped in

Y/n laughs to herself as she did what lady sha had told her, focus her force and make things float

The first things she did that to was to unintentionally make maras helmet float up but mara caught it before it got above her neck

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