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The tragedy of y/n the innocent
part 2


Y/n knew something was very wrong with Mara, she could.... well sense it, was that the Force that miss Sha talked about? The being able to feel what other were feeling, to feel the fabric of the universe

She knew mara was nervous, sad and....angry, very very angry about something, but y/n didn't know what it was

They were all back on the lucky now, her first home with the bounty hunters, but now a feeling of dread filled the ship as they headed for Coruscant

"Umm, Mara?"

Mara pulled her attention away from the controls
"Yes my little one?"

"Did I do something bad? Everyone is sad and angry, I can feel it, is it something I did?"

Mara sighs, puts her hands under y/ns arms and hauls her into her armored lap

"No, no, no it's nothing you did, none of this is your fault, please don't ever think it is"

She put her arms around the small orange alien and hugged her close
"None of this is your fault, remember that, none of it is your fault, it's mine"

Mara reached up to her own helmeted face then stopped before letting her hand drop back down
"This is my fault, I need to deal with the consequences, why don't you go and hang out with ace and sarrak? "

Y/n looked into maras visor with her big hazel eyes, she wondered what Mara looked like under the helmet, if she would ever see the face of the woman that had given hers home, fed her..... cared about her more then any stranger should have

Well in due time, the helmet was as much a part of maras image as her face would be

Y/n left the cockpit and went into the hold where sarrak and ace sat talking quietly

Ace noticed her first and took of his helmet
"Hey cadet"

He looked at her and noticed the wetness gathering in those big eyes
"What's wrong kid?"

Y/n looked at him and one single tear escaped before the child whipped her face
"I .... I don't know, Mara, all of you are so sad and angry, I don't know why.... sniff...."

Y/n was on the edge of a full on melt down when to everyone's surprise sarrak was the on to comfort her by picking her up and hissing out
"It's alright little one, we're just nervoussss about ssssomething we need to do, here"

He reached to y/ns bag of clothes and fished out her little stuffed clone trooper putting it in her arms, then he began to sing

A trendoshens song didn't sound like words, it was more like wind hissing through canyon walls, like a snake in the quite of night

It lasted a few minutes and helped y/n calm herself immensely, ace's mouth hung openin shock

Y/n however had fallen asleep in the lizards arms


Mara brought the lucky into the jedi temple docking and parked, she sighed and unbuckled herself going down into the living area in the hold, what she found there was simply heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time

Little y/n curled up in sarraks lap asleep, she put her fingers to the side of her helmet flipping down her targeting scope and used it to take a snap shot of the scene, she had been doing that a lot recently, taking pictures of things she wanted to remember about her time with y/n

In all honesty she had very little hope that y/n would be left with her, she had kidnapped this child away from a loving family, a family that she had also stunned before she left

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