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Hoth, it just had to be hoth

He hated the cold, and as an added bonus of crap he had the other idiots that he had to drag along, in his days as a commando trooper he had only felt with the elite, but bounty hunting was a different job

The lizard was especially irritating to him, he had dealt with his kind before and it hadn't ended well, and don't even get him started on the droid

The Mando however unnerved him, something about her felt more dangerous than the rest

The employer finished explaining and looks at them

"You'll be taking one ship only, to many might tip someone off"

The mando spoke up

"We'll take mine, it's the biggest, and less noticeable then that gunship the clone brought"

They all had to agree

The lizard spoke up
"What kind of fight should we expect?"

"Well theirs a clone force surrounding the planet, ground troops and some tanks, nothing to bad"

The droid looks at them
"We should go now"

"Agreed "



The mando takes the info she was handed and walked to her ship, she wasn't lying, it was big

The Trandoshan was the second on with ace and the IG right behind

Ace went for the controls but the mando cut him off
"I don't think so, your not flying my ship"
Ace stares at her through his helmet

"My Job is pilot"

"I don't care, it's a no"

She was sick of these idiots on her ship already

"Alright everyone, well be at both in a few seconds, we don't need to make any stops do we?"

They didn't answer so she assumed it was no

She made the jump to light speed

*2 hours later *

They were almost out of the jump when Mara went back to speak with her "team"

They all looked up at her while checking weapons

"Alright, I know none of us like this but we have to work as a team to do this, that means no solo, we fight, move and die as a team"

As bad as they all were they agreed

Mara went back to her controls
"Alright everyone, final aproch in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

They dropped through the atmosphere

It was bumpy but not to bad, they landed in cover and exited the craft, the lizard looked pissed

"I hate ssssssnow"

"That's to bad, suck it up"
Mara replies rolling her eyes

She walked up a small him and did some recon, she saw a clones

"What are they doing here?"

It was a small group, a squad maybe

She went back to her group
"Alright, here's the plan"
As much as she hated including the droid in this it would come in handy

"Droid, find a sniper nest and keep a look out, lizard, your our battering ram, your up front clearing a path, I'll be right behind you, clone, watch my back"

They all didn't really trust each other but it wasn't a bad plan So they nodded

The lizard stood and hefted his large Gatling blaster
"Let's go"

The IG ran in a different direction and ace followed her


Rex didn't know why the Jedi had picked his squad out of all of them to do this, they were accompanying a Jedi on Hoth, the jedi was inside a house talking to the family

"Hey Rex, do you think it'll take much longer?"

"I don't know hardcase, it's a sensitive thig that their doing"

"I guess, but it's cold"

"I know, look on the bright side...."

He was cut off by blaster fire
"Uh oh"

A Trandoshan ran over a hill firing a giant blaster, behind the lizard two others ran

He couldn't believe what he was seeing
One wore the armor of a mandolorian, the other....

"A commando...."
He didn't have time to think though as he grabbed his blasters

The Trandoshan and the other two ripped a hole in the defense they were

Rex went to chases them as they sprinted towards the house but a sniper bolt going through one of his brothers stopped him, he hauled his brother to cover before checking his wounds
"Warn the Jedi!"

"Coms are jammed sir"

Unknown Jedi

The Jedi sighs as the family was being very difficult, she guessed she could understand why, it was giving up their child, maybe never seeing them again

The child was still asleep, had been since they got here, but she could feel the force

"I don't know miss Jedi, what if we never see y/n again? "

"Ma'am, they will be learning the way of the Jedi, maybe becoming a master, I'm sure they would have a far better life then can be provided here"

The parents looked down saddened, they knew the child would have a far better life as a Jedi

The Jedi suddenly heard the blaster fire outside

She drew her saber and darted to the door ready to fight with the troopers she had been given for this mission

The door unfortunately was kicked off it's hinges before she got there

"Bounty hunters!"

As they reached the House ace and the lizard both kept firing to keep the clones at bay

"You two hold em off, I'll go inside "

She moved and kicked down the door and finding a shocked green woman, the only give away Mara got was the lightsaber in her hands that she swung

Mara rolls under it and then popped back up and caught the Jedi's wrist she brought her other hand up and ignited her flame thrower  and tried to shoot it into her face but her arm was forced to the side the Jedi swung again but again Mara caught her

She twisted and turned until she had the jedis elbow over her shoulder and then her led her wrist down snapping her arm and dropping her light saber

She whispers as she felt the blaster muzzle against her head

Mara pulls the trigger then moved further into the house

Bounty to pay (star wars x child reader )Where stories live. Discover now