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The tragedy of Y/n the innocent


As soon as Y/ns family was strapped down and stable enough Mara punched the accelerator as far as she darn well could, ripping her way out of the snow planets atmosphere and towards the separatist dreadnought.

Mara shouted down to her crew mates not bothering with the speaker as they stepped in behind her

" we're coming up on the clanker ship now! We're gonna board and rip those Droids apart limb by limb, and get our girl back!"

With that she jetted for the air lock at full speed, was this a smart idea, absolutely not, but a grief strike parent makes all kinds of dumb decisions to save their child

She heard a hiss then Sarrak answered
"That child wassss the best thing to happen to any of usss, I will lay down my life if it meansss she can live happily"

To her other side she heard the gruff voice of Ace through his helmet filter

"I'll rip the canker general apart myself if I need to, and if I can't I'll die defending y/n.....our little cadet"

Mara smiled as she gunned the engine harder to catch up to the larger dreadnought

"May te force cuyir ti mhi"
Mara said in the language of her people as she aimed for one of the air locks

"Ace, get on the main gun turret, take out the vulture droids, Sarrak, take the the lower turret and eliminate some of the battery implacements, ill keep us steady "

"Yes ma'am!"
Ace saluted crisply and took the top gun while Sarrak took the lower, they were just in time to as the dreadnought seemed to spew out vulture droids

Ace with his commando aim instantly began to turn them to a scrap despite maras evasive menuvers and barrel rolls to avoid torpedoes

Sarrak on the other had fired high energy projectiles at visible defensive cannons surrounding the docking

She felt the violent crash as a torpedoes hit one of the engines, throwing her whole ship to the side, she had to fight with all her might to get them back on course

"Karabast! Damn vulture droids!"

She checked over her systems and saw her fuel and coolant draining at an alarming rate, they would be dead in space soon, she sighed knowing what she needed to do but that mean it hurt any less

She flicked on coms
"Ace, I'm powering up rear reflectors, focus on taking out whats in front of us"

She flipped off the com and signed putting her hand on the wall of her ship

"I'm sorry old girl, this might be our last ride together, y/n needs us"

It might of been her imagination but the ship seemed to give excepting rumble as if saying "its ok, we've had a good ride"

She smiled in her helmet and boosted straight at the dock, Ace did his job and took out all targets in front of them with deadly accuracy,

Mara closed her eyes as they crashed into the ship plowing over droids and ships, she was thrown hard against the wall as the ship rolled her armor took most of the hits but she was still disoriented when they settled

she looked around in a daze and it was a minute before she realized she was missing her helmet,  it was a split second of panic before she found it, it had tumbled down to where y/ns aunt and uncle were still barely conscious

She limped down to them and grabbed her helmet putting it on before checking on the two humans.

They were still alive but she didn't know if the wound be for long, the man was very serious injured, his face pale and lifeless, the woman looked like she would only last slightly longer than him

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