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(Keanu reeves fore death revan)


Ace and Mara were packing up the mandalorians ship named "the lucky" in order to take it to a far bigger republic cruiser

Ace wasn't very excited to be stuck back in the war machine of the republic but it was different this time, the Jedi said that he Mara and sarrak were "a specialized team of hired professionals "

But how could he trust a Jedi? Jedi used clones as cannon fodder, we are expendable

At least that's how his Jedi has been with the commando squad

*many years ago*

Ace watched as he, his brothers and the Jedi named sonna exited the drop ship

Sonna was a S'kytri, a beautiful tall green skinned woman with big wings on her back and a double blades lightsaber

They fought together on the dirty jobs the republic didn't want anyone to know about, assassinations, overthrowing leaders, sabotage....anything you can think of really

Sonna loved it all, especially the killing part, she was kind around the clones but a sadist on her own

Sonna: come on ace don't waste time, twitch, take point, bruiser, cruiser take the back

They were going into a dark hive of some insectoid species that called this mud ball home

When they got in it went bad instantly

Bruiser was taken first....

Sonna just started laughing and raised her hand making cruiser aim his blaster at his brother and fire

Then the Jedi disappeared her laughs echoing through the tunnels

Sonna: the republic will fall! It will fall by your hands! You were born traitors!

She appeared and lopped off twitches confused head

When cruiser tried to stun her she forced him to put his own pistol to his head and fire

Ace ran for his life, no clone on his own would ever be enough to match a Jedi

He booked it for the mouth of the tunnel  maybe if he could get the element of surprise

He got outside and crawled up so he stood on top of the cave entrance pulling a vibro knife from his boot and waited

Sonna walked out of the cave looking around

Sonna: oh aceeeeee, come to me... I want to hurt you a little before I kill you, your clones died too fast

She hadn't noticed him so he jumped bringing his knife down at the Jedi from above just in time for her to turn and raise a hand

His momentum carried him down and the blade stuck through her hand which he used to yank her off balance before twisting the lightsaber out of her hand and grabbing it taking it in his hands

Ace: for my brothers!

He swung it taking off that pretty head of hers

*present day*

Ace snapped out of his memories as Mara put a hand on his shoulder

Mara: hey ace, you alright?

Ace: yeah......I'm ok

Mara nods as she reaches for his helmet
Mara: you should take this off....get some real air

Ace: I could say the same thing about you

Mara: my breaths better, you clones have these so you can breath in space for a short time

She took off his helmet and tilted her head, he couldn't see her face but assumed she was looking at him

Ace: do I have something on my face

Mara shook herself
Mara: no.....

When ace had helped her get done packing she went inside the Jedi temple to find y/n was listening to that skywalker fellow tell a story

Skywalker: ......then me and snips helped the bounty hunters to fend off Hondo and his
Pirates, one of them called embo had a hat that could block lasers and could jump taller then 3 Wookiee's

Mara listens remembering hearing the same story from embo himself, so this was that jedi boy he had mentioned

Mara put her hand on y/ns shoulder

Mara: come darling, we are going out for a bit, you'll get to see something beautiful

She looks at skywalker

Mara: thanks for watching her
She reached her hand out and he shook it, a jolt passed up her Armand images flashed through her mind

A burning red blade

A pile of mandalorian helmets

soldier's in plain white armor

A hammer striking metal

A male mandolorian cradling something small and green in his gloved hands

And finally grown woman with orange skin, white patterns on her face and white and blue tendrils on her head

The last image lasted the longest, burned into her mind

Bounty to pay (star wars x child reader )Where stories live. Discover now