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Y/n awoke slowly and immediately knew something was wrong, with her eyes still closed the child lifted her hand to rub her eyes

It was hard to move at first, y/ns right hand seemed oddly stiff and numb

Must be from not moving she thought as finally opened her eyes

Y/n froze as she laid her eyes on the silver metal hand that stretched from her fingers till just beneath her right elbow

She wasn't able to comprehend anything at that moment as she stared at the cold metal replacement, the shock of having her hand missing was too much for her

She felt as if a vital piece of her had been forever lost to........

A red hot rage filled her mind as she thought about the metal monster,  he had taken her away from her family and had then taken her hand, if she ever saw him again she would

The thought was interrupted when a clone entered the room

"Morning cadet"
She looked up and saw it was a familiar one,  scares and tattoo of a radar screen marked him as one of hamerfall companies finest


"Hey kiddo"

After receiving aid for most of her wounds she intended to treat the injuries to her head by herself

"Droid, where's an empty room i could use, to patch myself up the rest of the way?"

The droid looked up at her and seemed to make the droid equivalent of a sigh

"Three doors down on your left ma'am,  although our medical assistance would ve far more beneficial to..."

The droid didn't finish as the mandalorian woman placed her hand on the grip of her right blaster menacingly

Mara grimaced as she stood and limped toward the empty room and was pleased to find it was another medical room with no observatory window

Mara pulled a mirror towards herself and readied a few things to patch herself up

She had to take several deep breaths, what she was about to do was something she hadn't done with others so near by

She had to run over to the door and ensure it was locked before returning to the mirror and taking several. Ore deep breaths

Slowly and diligently Mara reached her hand to the side of her helmet and lifted it carefully off her head

She was almost surprised by the face she saw in the mirror,  it was a face she hadn't seen in nearly 19 years, stared for a solid minute into her reflection and the blood red eyes that stared back at her through the mirror

She shook herself back to focusing and began by cleaning up the blood that covered most of her face before moving to a sort of staple gun

There was a long gash across her for head from an impact of some kind that she stapled shut and applied antiseptic to, there really wasn't much damage thanks to her beskar helm, she couldn't wait to have a full suit of the stuff

Yet again She found herself staring into the reflection in the mirror,  at her hair that she kept short, at her skin that was marked with the scars and burns of battle, especially a nasty one that stretched from her forhead and down across her eye to her cheek

She cleaned herself up just in time to hear a knock at the door and a clones voice

"Hey, Mara, I was just wondering if you needed help in there"

It must have been Ace, trying to be helpful as usual

"I'm fine Ace, I got this, its not the first time I've been beaten up"

She heard him sigh and felt a very tiny pang of regret, he was a good friend and teammates but she still couldn't let him see her face, nor did she want to really,  in her mind she wasn't very attractive and the scars that covered her face didn't help at all

"Sorry Ace, our clans creed says nobody else can see our face"

He sighed again and probably shrugged

"Alright,  if you say so, also y/n will probably wake up soon, us and sledge are heading there right now, meet us there when you done"

"Will do Ace"

She finished patching up the last cuts and then did her hair up into a small bun before returning her helmet to its place on her head before leaving the room and sprinting to catch up with Ace, Sarrak and sledge

When they entered they found y/n awake speaking to a clone

The clone looked up and smiled  "morning comanders, captain sledge "
He snapped into a crisp salute then and walked to them

"I told her what happened after she passed out "

Mara really didn't care as she got past blip and rant to the child wrapping her in a loving embrace

"Oh I was so worried, I'm so glad your ok"

She felt the child hug her back but only with one arm

Glancing down she saw the mechanical hand for the first time

Y/n looked at it to, inher eyes were the fires of anger mixed with the storms of sadness that twirled around in the young aliens mind

Mara slipped her hand down and wrapped it around the mechanical hand sliding her other hand to the real one and holding them both

She knew no words could make this better so she rested the forehead of her helmet against y/ns orange forehead affectionately

The crew gathered around to, Ace and sledge on the child's right with Sarrak on her left


Y/n felt the helmet against her forhead,  she saw her friends....... no, that word didn't seem right to her, it didn't fit..... she saw her family gathered around her and for a moment she forgot about her missing appendage and the rage that filled her

Now she only felt the warmth and happiness,  something that unfortunately....... will not last long

(So another clew has been added, another battle survived,  and another limb lost to star wars, im so happy to be back, and it'll break my heart to write what comes very soon

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