A tale to tell

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The small blue girl looked up at her parents as they packed their things, her father was a warrior, her mother a navigator.

"Mama, papa, why do you have to leave? You just got back!"
The child said, angry that she was barely allowed to have a day to be with her parents.

Her father grinned and kneeled to her level, his bright red eyes looking worn and tired.

"Now now my little Nexu, you know the fleet needs us," he smiled a little and whispered, "especially your mother,  they'd fly straight into a star without her."

This joke that usually made Klorm'ara'ona laugh only drew her more towards sadness.

"But I need you too, can't you tell the fleet no? Or you could take me with you, I wouldn't cause trouble,  I promise!"

Both her parents gave her a sad smile, her mother kneeled next to her father, her warm smile seeming slightly more tired then usual.

"No sweetie, that would be far too dangerous,  your much too important if anything were to happen to you out there," She placed a kiss on the child's head before standing yet again.

"It would take the end of the universe to keep us from getting back to you my darling, never forget that."

That was a month ago now.

Klorm'ara'ona sat alone at her family's table with a small pasty and a holographic light stuck on top into the frosting.

She was around ten now, this hadn't been the first birthday her family had missed but it was her first completely alone.

"Maybe.... maybe they'll be home before next one," She murmured to herself, "I'm sure they remember...... remember me, they'll come back."

She felt the tears run down her cheek as she thought about them, what if they had forgotten her? Maybe they were happy to get away from her, was she really that unbearable?

She felt a cold spike enter her heart as she thought about everyone who she was a burden to, her aunt, her tutor,  and everyone she forced to care for her.

"Well...... I can fix that...." Klorm'ara'ona muttered to herself as she stood from the table and went to her room and found her bag.

She packed her clothes, her favorite toy and a few packs of food from the cupboard. As she packed certain items she found herself in front of a mirror  she looked at her blue skin, her blood red eyes and finally her dark blue-black hair that trailed all the way to her mid back, her hair was in the style of her mothers..... she found herself hurting more and more before she decided to change that, finding on of her father's vibro-blades she hap haphazardly cut her hair into a short and uneven mess.

She marveled at how different she looked from just that, her gaze drifted from the mirror to the knife, her father's knife. After a mere second of searching she found its sheath and straped it to her side.

In her short life Klorm'ara'ona had learned a great deal for her future,  she had been set to become a navigator like her mother, an ozyly-esehembo. This meant that she had been trained most in the operation of star ships, a most useful skill for a runaway.

She waited and watched the patrols of gaurds as she planed her rout through the space port towards the family starcraft, she figured that stealing it would be the last trouble she would cause anyone.

She moved like a shadow, slipping and avoiding the gauds with unnatural ability, she could predict the movements of the gaurds with the utmost accuracy making it easier to avoid detection.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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