treasure among trash

447 14 16


Y/n gazed into Revans eyes, she was beautiful,  almost how she had imagined Mara to look beneath the helmet

Revan: I do still wonder what drew my spirit back, I had thought it lost for my transgressions, but apparently I must have done some good

Y/n: so.... who are you miss Revan? Um.... like when you were alive,  who were you?

Revans lip twitched up at on end as she stifled a laugh

Revan: I was Darth Revan, dark lord of the sith, and I am also master revan of the Jedi order

Y/n felt a pang of fear accompanied by phantom pain in her missing limb as she backed away from Revan she as the mention of sith

Y/n: s-sith? You mean your a bad guy?

Her had went to the spot on her back where her lightsaber was meant to rest only to find it missing

Revan laughed again and gave a warm smile

Revan: not exactly, the world isn't as black and white as that, I was also a jedi as well and helped fight the sith, not every sith is completely evil,  and no jedi is completely good, make sense?

Y/n processed this and compared it to what her master had told her of jedi and sith

Revan: you'll Understand when you get older

The ahip shook violently suddenly causing them both to look around in Confusion

Revan: whatever could that be?

Y/n felt herself beginning to fade from the ephemeral ship as her mind returned to the waking world

Y/n: Revan?

Revan shrugged as she began to fade out of sight

The woman looked to the child with a mix of confusion and sadness, that was the last thing y/n saw before her eyes opened to Mara shaking her awake

Mara: come my darling,  you have more tests with the medical Droid and your master wishes to see you


Ace and his trandotion companion Landed the ship on the wretched junk planet where they hoped to find the nessisary prices they required

Ace: best bet is salvaging something out of an older Droid

The searched for a while before Sarrak dug an antique Droids head from the junk pile

Sarrak: look at thisss thing, it'sss ancient,  but it looks in good shape, looks like an old protocol Droid

Ace looked the head over ad Sarrak showed it to him, it didn't look like any protocol Droid he had ever seen 8n his life, at least not like any modern one

Ace: huh, that is old, wonder if it would even work with the IG, guess we can test it out

They  returned to the nearby ship that they had borrowed from kamino and hauled the limp body of the IG over too it

Ace: let's see if this works

After maybe an hour of tinkering he managed to integrate the new pieces into the original frame

Ace: hopefully that worked, it was all in surprisingly good shape

He looked over too the screen that showed a diagnostic readout of the droids statis

Sarrak: huh, odd, it sssseemsss that it ssstill containssss much of it'sss previousssss program

Ace: we'll wipe it once everything is running smoothly, be ready to deactivate this thing if it goes wrong

He slowly put the Droid all back together and switched on its power supply

It took a second for the Droid to boot up but it's eye began to glow red as it surveyed its surroundings

IG-60: Statement: something doesn't seem right,  this isn't my chassis

The droids eyes and rotating head spun around,  looking for something before its eyes settled on Ace and Sarrak

IG-60: query: who are you?

Ace: that's not important, please state your primary protocols, lest see I'd there's anything worth saving

IG-60: Statement: my primary function is to aid my Master in whatever they might require, query: where are we now? And what is the state of the galaxy? Are the mandalorians and sith still running amuck?

Ace raised an eyebrow

Ace: um not really, Mandalore is a neutral world

IG-60: Statement: I must have been offline for a very long time, what is the star date?

Ace checked his helmet and relayed the numbers to the droid

IG-60: Statement: its been over 3000 years, my previous master is long dead by now

Ace: it would seem so
He tried to access the droids memory bank only to find the encryption to be far too strong

IG-60: affirming query: then I assume I am to serve you?

Ace: not me specifically,  you'd be protecting someone else, we'll have to update you with combat protocols

IG-60: Statement: there is no need for that, I'm very well versed in the art of unadulterated violence against you meatbags

Ace was taken aback by this, he had thought they had uploaded a protocol droids memories

Ace: pardon me?

IG-60: affirming Statement: when I said  aid my Master in anything,  I meant anything,  especially murder

The assassin droid stood,  reaching up and disconnecting the diagnostic cables

IG-60: take me to the one you wish me to serve

Ace slowly reached for his blaster, he didn't trust this one bit

Ace: Hey, no you don't, stop right there clanker

IG-60: Statement: if you worry for your own safety then you may fit me with a restraining bolt, I would even recommend it, because until I have a proper master I am free to murder any meatbag of my choosing

Sarrak: thissss is quite odd indeed, although I don’t think it's a bad thing,  perhaps this is what the perfect thing to protect y/n

Sarrak knew it was an insane risk but he felt that it might be a good idea

Sarrak: if you were encoded to an individual or two you would only follow their commands, correct?

IG-60: affirmation: yes that is correct

Sarrak turned to Ace

Sarrak: thissss will work, trussst me

Ace didn't but he hoped the trandotion had good judgment

Ace: fine,  get a restraining bolt on the IG and .....

He was interrupted as the droid made something akin to a scoff

IG-60: Repulsed statement: IG? Do not disrespect me with any other designation but my own meatbag

Ace: what is your designation then?

HK-47: answer: HK-47, ready to serve

(Been a while but how could I resist? Especially with the book of boba fett

Excited statement: things are about to get interesting

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