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Jennifer's POV

After Josh payed for dinner, we walked back to his car. I asked him where we were going next, and he gave me a blindfold. So much for being curious.

Even though I had a blindfold on, our conversations went extremely well. It just floated, like it was the most natural thing in the world. We talked about everything; about college, friends, school, family; everything. It was nice to finally have a long and meaningful conversation with someone besides Jena. I mean, I love Jena, God, I love that girl to the death, but it's nice to talk to other people too.

"2 minutes until we're here" Josh said after a short amount of silence. I used the blindfold the whole ride, and I was so focused on our conversation that I hadn't noticed that I couldn't hear the traffic anymore. It was just as quiet outside as it was inside. The quiet sound of a bird was a nice distraction from my thoughts, as found the bottom that takes the window down. I opened the window, and felt the fresh summer night air flooded over my cheekbones and mouth.

Suddenly, the car came to a stop. I heard Josh get out of the car, and not a second later, I heard footsteps crunching on rocks and old leaves. This will not be good for my heels.

He opened my door, and took my hand, which I gladly accepted. I held him to steady me, because I couldn't see where I was going.

"Okay, let's take off that blindfold, shall we?" Josh said. Thank god.

He helped me take it off, and I could finally see my surroundings. We were at a lake, a small lake with a slight blue-gray color, pretty beautiful, if I must say. I looked over at Josh. He was looking at the water, smiling. Clearly he had some memories from here. I don't judge him though.

I looked down at our hands, finding then twinned together, looking like nothing in the world could part them, like they belonged together. And it felt right. Like it was supposed to be that way. I felt a hunger in my chest. Like the same I feltin the car yesterday. But this was much more aggressive. I needed him. I needed him in my life. I couldn't stand hating anymore. And in that moment, I decided that falling in love with Josh was totally okay, and if I got my heart broken, i had only myself to blame. But I didn't care about it. I don't doubt my feelings anymore, let alone do I want to hide them.

My head started to ache from all the philosophical thinking, so I broke the silence.

"So, what are we gonna do next? Is there like a treasure at the bottom of the lake and we have to get it or something?" Stupid.

He laughed. "No, I have kinda set up something over here," he smiled "follow me." So I did.

We walked for about 30 seconds, the longest seconds in my life. We came to a stop, about 10 feet away from the water. And I got breathless.

Everywhere, there was candles, ready to be lit, and in the middle, there was a blanket, neatly folded out on the soft and slightly damp grass. On the rug, there was a basket, and besides that, a bottle of champagne stood, waiting to be popped open by the two of us.

Josh motioned me to sit down, and I gladly did, while he lighted the candles. It was effortlessly beautiful. It was just so right.

My feet started to hurt from walking around in heels. I needed to take them off.

"Do you mind if I take off my shoes? They hurt like hell." I tell him. "Yeah, if course," He says, "but I don't wanna be a loner." He sat down besides me and took off his black vans, and put them on the left side of him.

"So, I don't know if you're still full after that amazing cake, but if you want to have some chocolate covered strawberries, clap three times."

I clapped three times, and we both laughed. He opened up the basket, and inside there were two glasses (for the champagne), a box full of strawberries with chocolate, and an extra blanket, 'in case you get cold, Jen', to quote Josh. We ate strawberries and talked for about half an hour, until the sun was gone. I immediately started to shiver, and he gave me the extra blanket. I noticed him starting to shiver as well, so I offered him some space under the blanket. He gladly accepted, and scooped under with me.

And there we sat. In silence, looking at the blue-gray water, not thinking about anything. Not about school, not about what is happening in other countries, not about our lives. We just sat there, radiating heat, feeling each other's presence, like we were made to sit there, on the blanket, on top of the slightly damp grass, looking at the lovely (but kinda depressing) lake. The birds had grown silent by now.

"So, how do you know about this place?" I asked him "I mean, it's beautiful."

"It is, isn't it? My dad used to take me here, every Saturday, when I was little. We could just sit here, and talk for hours, you know? Not having any worries. Kinda like right now."

I smiled at the thought. That's why he smiled so widely an hour ago. His dad.

"It must have been nice." I said, and turned my head, and looked at him. He turned around as well, and we were looking into each other's eyes, seeking the other's darkest secrets, looking into one another's past, without saying anything. I smiled. He also smiled,. And I decided that I couldn't wait any longer. I put my hand on his cheek, and slowly dragged him towards me. I closed my eyes, waiting for his soft lips to meet mine. And they surely did.

When they hit mine, it was a sensation out of the ordinary. It was indescribable. I had this warm feeling in the pit that was my stomach, and it slowly spread towards my heart, my lungs; shoulders; arms. He cupped my head in his hands, and we kissed. We kissed like it was between life and death. Like I was gasping for air, and he was my slight summer breeze, making my lungs work.

I pulled away. Not because I wanted to, but because my chest was about to explode, because of the lack of oxygen. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and looked up at him. He was already looking at me, smiling, like he had just won the lottery. I smiled back.

He put his hand on my hip, the other one on the small of my back, and pulled me into him. I didn't argue. His lips brushed against mine, and I gasped. I gasped for air. I also gasped for something else. I just don't know what yet. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I couldn't stand his teasing, and leaned in. He kissed back immediately, and we just sat like that, kissing, while the moon was above us, and the blue-grey, depressing lake was watching us. Watching us spilling out secrets, just by touching each other's lips.

It's amazing, the feeling and effect a kiss can have on you. When we pulled back for air again, I considered to just kiss him until I was out of breath and died by lack of oxygen or something. Because I didn't wanna part from him. I belong in his arms, my lips belongs to his lips. It seemed so simple now. Everything in life seemed simple. Because of these last five minutes, everything was at it's place. For now. But that's okay.

I leaned on his shoulder, and he rested his beautiful jaw on top of my hair.

"Thank you" he suddenly said.

"For what?"

"For coming with me on this date. You know, I really like you Jennifer."

I shook my head. I wasn't ready to go into this just yet. I knew I liked him back, it's just that it was a bit too early.

"Too early, honey. Everything at a time." I just say. He nods, and places an arm around me.


"Thank you again for everything. It was amazing." I said, as we stood by the door.

"It was my privilege. I would love to do it again, sometime." He grinned his unmistakable grin, the grin that made my stomach drop 3 floors, and my heart to skip at least three or four beats.

"I would love to." I pecked him on the cheek, and turned around to walk inside. It was about 9:30, much earlier than I thought it would be. I guess we were both tired. Just as I was about to close the door, I turned around to fin Josh looking at me, and smiling like an idiot.


"Goodnight Jen, sleep well. See you tomorrow."



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