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Jennifer POV

Walking out of forever 21, Jena and I decide to go get ice cream. We walk over to the little food-court in the middle of the mall, but when I get there, all I can focus on is the hazel-eyes that is sitting in my favorite booth at the ice-cream shop. I turn on my heel, and Jena seems to understand, cause she is right beside in an instant, and as an unspoken agreement, we walk out of the mall.

"What are the fucking odds?" I hear Jena say under her breath.

"The odds aren't exactly in my favor today, I guess."

Jena gives me a sad smile, and silence beams around the parking lot, the only sound is our shoes hitting the pavement. Our shoes and someone else's shoes.

I turn around to look, and when I see her, I can feel the anger boiling up inside of me.

"Hi girls," Claudia's voice send shivers down my spine "How are you?"

"I don't think we should talk, Claudia." Jena takes a step foreword, before I can say anything.

"Why? Are you mad because Josh finally saw how much of a worthless piece of trash she is?" Ouch.

I look down at my shoes, not wanting to show the hurt that's probably visible in my eyes. I don't know why, but the words stung me. Maybe it's because Claudia said it. I don't know.

"Go the fuck away." Jena was surprisingly calm. So calm that it was almost terrifying.

"Let's just go."

We quickly walked away, towards Jena's car.

"Jen..." Jena started, but I quickly stopped her.

"Don't, it doesn't matter." I brush it off, setting an end to this conversation.

She just smiles, quietly whispers "She's lying anyways, you're gorgeous" and drives off.




I get home, and thank Jena for wanting to go to the mall with me. She winks, smiles, and drives away. Again, I was home alone.

I walk up the stairs, and into my room. In that moment, the phone begins to ring and I press answer not bothering to check the caller-ID.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, as I let out a huff of air.

"Jennifer? Hi, oh my god, I can't believe you answered me hi."

My breath stops in my throat, I'm talking to Josh.

"What do you want?" I spit into the phone, and I remembered the fact that he was at the mall. "Aren't you at the mall?"

"I... How did you know that I was at the mall?"

"I saw you. I was there too." I just wanted this conversation to end.

"Oh... No I'm not at the mall, I just got home. Jen, I've tried to call you like thir-"

"Thirty-two times, to be exact. You kind of made my phone go retard for a few hours."

He laughs lightly, and the sound is making my heart melt. Cliche I know, but when you really like someone, that's how it feels. Too bad I'm way too mad at him to tell him that.

"What did you want again?" I sigh into the phone, my patience growing shorter by the minute.

"I know that you won't forgive me and I know that you're so mad at me right now but I'm gonna give it a shot anyways, Im so sorry for what I did Jennifer, I wasn't even going to kiss her, just fake it so-"

"So... What? Why on earth would that be a good idea?!" I practically scream.

"She needed help with something, or... Someone."

"SO YOU KISSED HER?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JOSH. THATS NOT A GOOD IDEA ANYWHERE!" All the anger I've felt, bursts out in a matter of seconds.

"I know it wasn't! At least now I know!" His voice raises as well.

"Its a little too late to find that out now, Josh."

I can hear him sigh on the line, and we don't say anything for almost a minute.

"So... What are we going to do?" He asked me.

"I don't know about you," I take a deep breath "But I'm deleting your number. Please stop calling. I just wanna forget this happened."

"What, the Claudia- thing?"

"No... Us, Josh. I just wanna forget us."

"What, Jennifer please don't-"

I'll see you when school starts again, I guess. Bye Joshy." I can't contain the sob that escapes my mouth. The thought of being a senior on high-school is no longer so appealing.

"No, don't hang up just yet. It... It was just so good to hear your voice again." He says. I almost smile. Almost.

"Why were you at the mall today, by the way?" He suddenly asks.

"Hum, I was with Jena. And you?"

"Oh, hum... I..."

Oh my God.

"You were there with h-her, wasn't you?"

The silence that follows tells me the obvious answer, yes.

"As I said, I'll see you at school sometime. Bye Josh, nice knowing you." I hang up.


hi oMG IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE 20 DAYS GOD I'm terrible, but school just started and asakbdlksgj in need for summer to be longer.

ITS AT 12K ??????? WHAT????? WHY ARE YALL READING THIS???? it sucks??????

This chapter sucked I'm so sorry god, it was basically just a filler. IT WILL GET BETTER (and wayyyyyyy more depressing) SOON !!!

I love you all, and stay strong my little lovelies.

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