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Jennifer's POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. I sighed and leant over to see what it said; 06:45. I sighed one last time, and made my way to my bathroom. When I entered, a strong scent of perfume flooded over me. I walked up to the mirror and looked at myself for the first time today. My blond hair was like a birdsnest, ending just above my shoulders. I grabbed my brush and tried to fix it as much as I could.

"JENNIFER DEAR? ARE YOU UP?" My mom yelled from downstairs.
"YES!" I yelled back, just as loud. When I was pleased with how my hair looked, I added a little bit of eyeliner and mascara.

I ended it all by putting on a nude/peach lipstick. I never understood what color it was, but I liked it, and thats all I really care about. I walked back into my room, to the closet.

I stood there, looking at my clothes for a moment, and then decided to wear a pair of white high-
waisted shorts, a black crop-top with a white scull on it, and a pair of black converse. When I was pleased with how I looked, I turned around and walked out of my room.

I made my way downstairs, jumping down the last steps. This was the last week of school, and I was super exited for summerbreak. Parties, campfires, love, heartbreaks. I can't wait!

"You want some breakfast dear?" My mom interrupted my thoughts. "Yes, please!" I asked, with a pitch much higher than usual.

"Wow, someone's ready to get done with school," my mom laughed, "but don't forget to do your best still!" She handed me a plate with 3 pancakes on it. "Of course I will! I'm not stupid mom" I chuckled as I took a bite off pancake.

When I was finished, I walked up to my room again. I got my phone, earplugs, and schoolbag. I scrolled trough my messages, and saw a message from Jena;

"Hey! I'll pick u up at 8! xx"

I didn't answer, but I checked the clock. It was 07:57. I ran downstairs, and as I opened the door, I saw Jena's light red car back up in my driveway. "BYE MOM, LOVE YOU!" I yelled as I closed the door behind me.

I walked over to the car and hopped in. "Hey!" Jena said happily. "Heeey!" I amswered, just as happy as she. Jena turned on the radio, and drunk in love by Beyoncè blasted trough the speakers. We both screamed, and then started to sing along.

Oh, how I had missed Jena. She had been away for almost two weeks, on a cruise. Those two weeks had been the most boring days of my life, but now that she was back, I guessed we were going to a party sometime soon.

"So, how have you been?" Jena asked as the song was finished.
"Bored as hell," I sighed "but I'm okay now, thank god that you're back!"

Jena parked her car, and we walked into school together. I noticed a few looks from a 17-year old boy, but I ignored him.

"Looks like you have fans all over the school" Jena smirked at me.
"Oh shut up" I moaned,and walked into english class.

On the first row, I saw a way too familiar face. And I did not like the look of it. His unmistakeble jawline, his hazel eyes, his small grin. Josh Hutcherson. The most popular guy in High School. Ugh, I hated that guy, he was such a jerk.

I started walking to my seat, and when I got there, I turned around just to see that he was looking at me with his mouth slightly parted. I stared at him, hoping he will get it.

At last he realized what he was doing, and turned around, slightly embaressed. I chuckled a little bit to myself, thinking of how stupid he looked. Mr. Edwards, our teacher, walked in, and the class begun.


So hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter in my new story! This is my first fanfiction ever, and I really hope you like it so far!

~ AW

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