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Josh POV

I fucked up. I fucked up big time. Why would I even consider doing that? The more I think about it, the angrier I become with myself. Jennifer doesn't deserve me, she doesn't deserve someone who treated her like crap and didn't realize it until the moment it was over.

Pacing around in my room, I think about the conversation I just had with her. She's deleting me from her phone, life, and probably memory as well.


And I know a lot of people would have said "It's Claudia's fault, blame her", I know I can't, because she is right. I could've said no, but of course I didn't. She was crying, I was stupid, end of story, really.

I know Jennifer doesn't want me back, hell, she's probably with Jena right now, she probably called her the minute our convo was over just to laugh and smile over my stupidity.

I cannot fathom this quite yet. It's like my brain is still saying: "You two are still going out. Call her and ask her on a date!". But I know I can't. She would become even more mad at me, and I don't want that. I would've hated me too so I completely understand.

A knock on my door snaps me out of my engulfing in self-pity.

"Do you want some food?"

My mom opens the door, to find me sitting down on the bed, taking a break from pacing around.

"I'm okay, thanks anyways." I put on a halfway convincing smile, hoping she will go out so I can continue to think.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" She takes another step further into my room.

"Yeah, just a lot of things happening. I'm alright. I'll manage." I smile at her. She smiles back.

"I trust you and I know you will make the right decisions, no matter what the problems are. Come talk to me whenever you want to, okay?" She says, looking me straight in the eye, dead serious.

"Of course, love you." I say, breaking eye-contact.

"I love you too Josh." She says, before backing out of my room, leaving me alone again. It's okay though, I kinda want to be alone right now.

Suddenly, my phone blares, and an unknown number pops up at my screen.

I reach for the phone, almost a little scared. Pressing answer, I put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I say, more like a question than a statement.

"Listen Josh, I don't have a lot of time, so this is going to be quick."

"Who is this?"



"Listen," she says "I know what happened, and I'm not going to yell at you. I'm going to warn you."

A single chill runs down my spine.

"If you don't try anything, then I won't do anything. If you otherwise decide that you want to get her back, I swear you won't have balls for long."

"So you're going to chop my balls off?"

"No, I'm going to metaphorically chop your balls off. I'm going to do something to you so you will never be able to talk to anyone or anything."

"She doesn't want to talk to me. You don't have to worry."

"Are you stupid? Of course she wants. But she doesn't because she wants to get over you, because you're an asshole. I never trusted you from day one and look who was right."

"I know, I'm terrible. She should've listened to you, I should've listened to you."

"At least you got something right."

There was a brief pause, before Jena spoke again.

"She really liked you, you know? She wouldn't stop talking about how amazing you were treating her and how nice and caring you were."

My heart stops.

"She... She said that?" I ask.

"All the time. Damn, Josh, you really fucked up. I'm sorry to say this so many times but you really did."

"Don't say sorry, I'm the one who should apologize. I shouldn't have done that, I know, and I tried to apologize to her. It's her choice if she wants to forgive me or not. If she doesn't, then it's totally ok. I understand."

"I see you have taken my point."

"Yeah. Thanks."

"I'm not doing this for you, just so you know it. This isn't about getting you to feel better, I'm just trying to soothe Jennifer."

"I know. You're a pretty good friend Jena."

"I guess I have my moments." And with that, she hangs up.



love there will be a lot of fillers in the near future, the plot can't continue unless there is school sooooooooo

until next time bitchesssss

bTW I'm wanna make a 5sos fanfic should I??????? I'm nervous idk ok bye

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