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Jennifer POV

The next day, I woke up at 05:40. I knew that I wouldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to go for a run. I put on some shorts, and a plain white tanktop. I then proceeded to go downstairs, not bothering with makeup just yet. When I reached the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and took a bite. I put on my runningshoes, and put my hair up in a ponytail. I walked outside, feeling the early bitter summerwind blow over my eyes and cheeckbones.

The sun was in the middle of rising, its orange rays of light flowing everywhere. This will be a good day.

I started to run down the street, listening to my feet hitting the pavement. A steady beat, matching my heartbeat.

I didn't realise how fast I had runned, before I was at the end of the street. I turned around, and started to run the opposite direction.

A special house to the left for me captured my attention while I was running. It was white, and had a lot of nice details on the windows. Or, the house wasn't what captured my attention, it the boy who was standing outside. The same boy I was on a date with yesterday. The boy who I should never talk to again.

Josh Hutcherson.

We live on the same street?! I did not know that.

He was stretching out, he had probably done some morning exercise, too. Guess I'm not the only one.

I decided to just start running again, before he saw me. If I had to talk to him again, it would not be right now, while I was covered in sweat.

I got home, and ran upstairs to check the clock. It read 06:30. I jumped in the shower, and washed off the sweat. I dried myselv off, and since I had extra time, I decided to look nice today. I put on basic eye makeup, with some extra dark blue eyeshadow. I put on red lipstick, blush, and did my eyebrows.

And now the tricky part, clothes.

Finally, I decided to just wear black skinnyjeans, a white top, and my black leather jacket. As a finish I put on a red bandana.

I checked the clock again, and saw that it was time for school. I jumped down the stairs, and skipped to the kitchen counter to get my car-keys.

The ride to the school was peaceful, because I didn't have to stress so much. When I was at school, I parked the car and got to my locker. Standing there was no other than Jena.

"Wow, someone is looking fresh today!" She walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hah, I know" I yelped, my legs still sore from the run.

Just as I had said that, the bell rung. Huh, guess I wasn't that fast in the shower after all.

The 1st period was slow, all I did was drawing doodles in my book. Jena was actually listening, but all I could focus on was the black marks left when the pencil stroked over the paper. Also, some birds was singing in a lovely way. Everything was just very right about this day. But still, something was wrong.

I hadn't seen Josh since I ran by his house in the morning. Maybe he's sick? No, if he was, he wouldn't be working out. Maybe he skipped the first class.

Just as I that thought slipped away from my mind, the door opens with a loud bang. In comes no other than Josh himself.

"Mr. Clasby, I am so sorry I'm late but my car didn't start so I had to run all the way to school" He panted as he talked. I don't know if he was lying, but it seemed to me that it was real. He had sweatdrops dripping from his forehead, glissing in the lights of the sun.

"I am sorry about your car, mr. Hutcherson, but you still interrupted my class. 30 minutes detention after school."


"No buts!" Mr. Clasby interrupted him "Now go take a seat, and pay close attention"

"Fine" He muttered, but wen't and found his seat, next to Sam. Sam just patted Josh's back, while Josh shaked his head. I took a closer look at Josh. He had black washed out jeans, with a wine-red tshirt, showing off his arm musceles. He still had sweat running down his neck, and even though it was kinda nasty, he still managed to look good.

Suddenly, he turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back as a reflex, but quickly looked down in my book. I could feel my cheeks warm up, entering a new world of red and pink. Thank God Jena didn't notice that.

The rest of the class was boring, me looking over at Josh from one time to another, our eyes meeting and locking together. His eyes are a light hazel color, actually extremely pretty.

Finally the bell rung, and I ran outside. Literally. I didn't wait for anyone. Mostly because I didn't wanna talk to him. He was a jerk, I needed to remember that. He's a heartbreaker.

The rest of the classes was Josh-free, and I could stop worrying about looking good. I don't know why I wan't to look good for him, but I guess that's the effect he has on people.

When I was back home, I finally got to rest after an awful day. I went upstairs and found my phone, seeing that I had one new message.

Hey! You free tonight? :) -Josh

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