Chapter 2: First Mission

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Y/n's POV

Someone was knocking in the door, continuously.

"Wait!" I shouted as I hurried downstairs.

I opened the door. "Who is it, Y/n?" Joy asked.

"No one," I said, puzzled.

"What do you mean "no one"? I heard someone knock." Joy said, coming out from the kitchen.

"Maybe it was some childish prank to annoy the new neighbours. Forget about it." I said, closing the door.

I walked back upstairs to my room. I was making my bed when I heard a creak from the window. I walked to check but ended up shrieking.

"What's wrong?" Joy asked, running upstairs.

"Natsu! What are you doing here?" I shouted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, but no one was opening the door so..."

"So, you came from the window?" I scolded.

"Yeah. I mean..."

"You're unbelievable."

"Ooh. I smell bacon and eggs." He smiled, walking away. I pulled his t-shirt.

"Where do you think you're going?" I said.

"I am hungry." He grinned.

"So?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow.

"So, breakfast." He grinned wider.

"No, breakfast. Have your breakfast in your own home. There's no bacon and eggs for you here."

"C'mon, Y/n. Don't be so impolite." He pouted.

"I'm not being impolite. You are. You can't just walk into someone's house and steal their breakfast." I complained.

"I'm not stealing. That's not stealing." He said as if notifying me.

"Then what is it called? Looting? Robbing?"

"It's called sharing."

"Oh, I'm not sharing. Seeing that Joy is already sneaking away, I don't think she's much excited about "sharing", too." Joy smiled nervously.

"Fine, then. Eat. I'll wait for you."

"Okay," I said.

"Okay." He said.

I sat down and served some Egg and Bacon Pancake Breakfast Wraps for Joy and Waffle with Bacon, Fried Egg and Chives for me. Alongside, I poured some orange juice.

As I tried to take a bite from my waffle, Natsu's stomach grumbled. I glared at him.

"No, eat. I'm not hungry." He said as he kept staring at my waffle.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the plate towards him. He looked up towards me, confused.

"Eat," I said.

"But what about you?" He asked.

"I'll have some apples," I said as I opened the fridge that was stacked up with varieties of fruits.


"No buts. It's okay. Just eat. Plus, I'm on a diet."

"Fine. But have a bite."

"It's okay, Natsu." I protested.

"Just have a bite." He argued. I rolled my eyes and had a bite as Natsu smiled. I cut some fruits and made a smoothie. A healthy smoothie. Natsu managed to have some of that, too. That boy never gets full, does he?

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