Chapter 16: Grand Magic Games

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Y/n's POV

"Grand Magic Games? What's that?" Natsu said with stars in his eyes. His excitement made me curious as well. I looked towards Romeo to explain, but Macao quickly shut his son's mouth.

"It's nothing. It's just a competition to determine the strongest guild in Fiore. Not something we need to be bothered by, now," Macao said.

"Competition?" Natsu said with enthusiasm.

"How are we going to maintain our position then? You know, as the number one guild all over Fiore," Lucy said.

"Are we really in the first place?" Erza asked as everyone looked at her with a 'are you crazy look. But as she glared back, everyone turned away in fear.

"She's right. Come on, if we were in the first place, our condition would be better, and Twilight Ogre of all the guilds wouldn't be bullying us," I said in agreement.

"Yeah, Y/n is right. We haven't been in a good place since all of you went missing. We are the weakest guild in all of FairyTail," Wakaba admitted.

"What? Then we need to participate and get the guild back in its rightful position," Natsu said enthusiastically.

"Unfortunately, we don't have time for that. We need to get out guild in shape first. We don't have money for its—"

"The winner gets 30, 000, 000 prize money," Romeo blurted out.

"Romeo!" Macao shouted.

Master continued but now with a change in words, "But it would be unfair to the people who organized this event that we don't participate. We are the ones who can dominate the charts, and it would be suitable to test our abilities. And, the prize money can be used to repair our guild. And I mean it, the prize money SHOULD BE OURS. NOW, ALL OF YOU GO TRAIN," Master said, his voice rising as he spoke.

"But when is the tournament?" Gray asked.

"Three months from now," Macao said, admitting defeat.

"Finally, something to look forward to," I said, raising my fists in the air in excitement.

A few minutes later~

Team Natsu made its way towards me.

"Y/n, you can train with us. We are going to the beach," Natsu said as the others nodded.

"No, it's okay. I have a perfect place to train," I declined.

"Really, where?" Natsu asked.

"It's a secret," I said, keeping my fingers in my lips.

"But you can take Joy. She can have some fun on the beach, too," I said.

"Sure," Gray said.

"Great," I smiled.

Beach meant water, and I could practice my water spells and learn more. But my secret training place was way effective for my training. It was my secret hideout, and it'd been so long since I visited. To be honest, Natsu knew of the place. He had followed me there secretly one day and caught me training. I asked him not to tell anyone about the place. But I didn't know if he still remembers.

I headed towards my training place. It was in a tunnel-like cave. It had a lovely waterfall at the back. Just thinking about it brought a smile to my face. It had beautiful vines and white roses inside it that I designed with my magic. I remember Natsu said it looked pretty. I suddenly felt my cheeks go red. What was wrong with me? I shrugged it off.

I looked around to see anything that reminded or seemed familiar, but a lot had changed since I'd last been there. I was started to get worried about whether my training ground now even existed.

After roaming around for what seemed like hours, I finally found it. Yeah, the whole place changed, but my secret hideout or my evil lair was still the same, from outside, anyway. It had been a long time, surely, all the plants were dead. I went inside. I was nervous. I had so many beautiful memories here, and I could not afford to lose them. I took calm breaths as I opened my eyes. But to my shock, it was all same. Everything was the same. The white roses were still there. Everything was just like how I remembered. Tears welled up in my eyes. How-wait the only person who knows is...Natsu. Did he-why--he still remembered.

I fell on my knees. From the day Natsu found out about the place, it was no longer only my secret hideout. It was our hideout; Natsu and mine. I never liked when he brought his stuff and messed with the roses so he brought new ones. I could see a hammock and some clothes that smelled like him.

As I was looking around, something caught my attention. Besides the hammock, in a wall, in his handwriting, there was something written.

I miss you, Y/n.

Tears were now streaming like a river from my eyes. I hugged his T-shirt in the hammock and cried on it. I'll make it up to you, Natsu. I promise.

I lied in the hammock for a while as I tried to stop crying. I felt bad and guilty. Moreover, I missed him. I missed you, Natsu Dragneel. My heart was racing as I thought about him. I wanted to hug him so bad and thank him for taking care of our hideout.

Soon, my mind drifted to the real reason why I was here. My eyes widened.

'I NEED TO TRAIN!' I mentally shouted.

Three months later~

I yawned. I was sleeping at the hammock, at his hammock. I smiled. It had been three months. No, I wasn't gonna say time passed, quickly cause it didn't. The training was intense, and every day I waited for him to come. but ever since he left for the bridge with the others, he hadn't come. I wondered what he was doing.

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