SEVEN | New*

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Thoughts of Ethan didn't leave my mind I wonder what is he doing?

Is it safe? Or did he eat?

What if there's something bad happened to him? I shake my head. I don't want my mind to wander there. 

I know he's fine, and he will come back to me.

That's what I thought.

It was Monday morning and school starts at seven. I woke up sandwiched with two bodies. My head was buried in James's chest and his arms lazily drape on my ass. David's hands were on my waist. I was mortified because I can feel both of their morning wood digging on both my stomach and back.

I tried to wiggle from their grasp but it only caused some friction that made them groan.

"Do that again, it feels so good." James groggily says.

David pressed his body on mine and his hands slip under my shirt cupping my breast.

James's hands found their way inside my shorts and slips in my panties. I tried to move but no to avail. I can feel my eyes burning with tears. As he pumps his long slender fingers inside my heat. I writhed against their hold, my toes curled and my back arched.

My mouth forms an O, I want to scream. David rubs his already hard member behind me.

"Fuck. She's already soaking wet."

For minutes they continue to torture my body until I reached my peak and explodes in his fingers. I silently cried, ashamed for myself.

James kissed the top of my head as David rolled my nipples with his thumb.

"Shh. It's okay. It's done. We won't do anything again." As I sob on his chest. While he continues to whisper sweet nothings in my ears.

"Come on, let's take a shower we have like forty-five minutes left."

James scooped me up and carried me into their bathroom. I was still in a daze from what happened. They both stripped off their clothes, David tugged my shirt off. I covered my chest from their prying eyes.

"It's okay baby, we won't have to do anything. Let's just take our shower." He said softly. I shook my head.

No matter what they say I didn't move. I don't care if my clothes get wet. I just stand there not moving. James sighed, David holds me up and tugged my shorts and panties on my ankles. Truth to their words, they didn't do anything, they didn't look down as we showered which I'm grateful for in some way.

After we dried ourselves, they left me to get dressed.

I found a new uniform laid on my bed. I threw it on and sat in front of my vanity mirror. My dull green eyes were staring right back at me.

There were hickeys scattered all around my neck. I applied some concealer to cover them up. I then brush my hair and applied some light makeup. Minutes later, and I'm sitting in the backseat with David and James. Dazed by the events that happened this morning.

They both hold my hands on each side, I avoid their smoldering stares and look outside the window. My heart sped up by the looks they're giving me in. I look down at my phone and still no text.

Hungry Heart 18+Where stories live. Discover now