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The wind howls aggressively, the sky is painted with stormy gray clouds. My ears ring as I heard a loud bang.

Shouts filled the now cold air, I can barely hear David's cries for his brother. My body feels so heavy and I feel so numb. The pouring water feels like ice in my skin. I'm shaking, Archie must have noticed it, and he began to take off his jacket and wrapped me with it. I was shaking like a leaf, once everyone is in their cars we began to move. No one dared to say anything. I didn't want to recall what happened earlier it was too traumatizing.

I rubbed my hands to feel the friction of warmth in my skin and leaned closer to Archie. He pulled out some extra clothes he has on the backseat and gave them to me. I muttered a small thanks and put it on. I watched as the trees blurred, the wind howls aggressively. I hope this is the end, I hope after this storm everything will turn back to normal. We finally killed him. I'm sure that Archie will do anything with his power to hold David for his crimes. I can finally be free. It's like a heavyweight has been lifted in my chest. Freedom. After the years that I endured under their hands, I can finally taste it.

I know that it will take me years to recover, but for the sake of my loved ones, I will do it. I knew that I have their backs and support. Because this time, I'm not alone. I'm done fighting alone. Archie laced his fingers in mine and I leaned on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I'm so thankful that he was not hurt.

"I was so scared," I sniffed. I can't help the tears, after the near-death experience.

"I thought, he would kill me! I don't know what to think at that time, I thought that I will not see you again."

Archie wrap his both arms around me and laid his chin on the top of my head, I cling to him like my life was dependent on him.

"Hush, he's gone now, he can't hurt you anymore, your safe now." He cooed. I nodded my head and buried my face in the crook of his neck.


The day for David's trial commenced, I'm nervous, I didn't want to hear not see his face for it would bring back unwanted memories. But I have to do this. I'm stronger than before. I will not let myself live with fear.

As we approached the room my eyes automatically landed on David, his eyes were sunk, his hair was in an array of mess and when he caught me staring at him his eyes lit up. I swallowed the bile that was starting to crawl in my throat and force myself to calm down.

Archie was talking with our lawyer about the case and he kept a firm hold in my waist. I watched as David's eyes darkened and he clenched his jaw so tight that I'm afraid it might break. I averted my eyes and squeezed his arms. I have to remind myself that I'm safe that I'm not with them anymore.

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