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"Lights out." Archer barks, Chase pressed the button and the lights went off.

"Let's dance," Archer smirks at James before the lights turned off. He hides Brianna behind his back.

"Ethan, take Brianna with you and go!"

"Good luck man." He pats his shoulder and grabbed her wrists then fled to the scene. Despite her floor-length dress she manages to match his fast strides.

The hallways are dark and she can't see the twins that's a good sign right?

She was also shocked that Ethan is alive. Many questions swirled inside her head but she decided to push it not now. They have to escape first.

"Where's Em?" Jax asked, through the earpiece.

"Right here!"

"Guard the doors!" David yells.

His booming voice startled her and she loses her balance.

"Shit!" Brianna stumbled, she takes off her heels then runs with Ethan.

"These heels are killing me!" She muttered under her breath, her mask is long gone. David and James are still on the stage barking orders to catch them.

After a couple of roughly pulling and shoving people in their way, they both meet Chase and Jax in the hallway.

"Where's Em?" Jax asked. Chase shrugged his shoulders.

"She's behind us a minute ago-" he was cut off by the sounds of gunshots.

On instinct, Brianna and others ducked their heads.

"Everybody get down!" Ethan yells. Screams of horror and cries flood the room.

"Stay with me, Bri," Ethan whispered, she nods with a grunt, her heart is beating loudly in her chest. It was scary, her eyes flick to the source, she can make out two figures hiding in the wall and exchanging fires.

"Come on, we need to move." Whispered Ethan as they crouched down and move to the exit. Jax and Chase secured the exit as they surveyed for any possible threats. He looks at where is Archer is located.


Archer hid to the wall and fired his gun. James barely missed the bullet.

"Fucking asshole, you think you're strong huh?" David shouts, then fires.

"Come on!" Chase whispered yelled. Brianna could feel someone is boring holes behind her skull. She looks behind her shoulders and catches the intense eyes of James. Her eyes widened.

"Fuck! Brother, they're taking her away!" He was outrage as he continues to fire bullets in the air.

David hides then reloads his guns. "No! Do something! She can't get away! She's ours!"

"I know brother, I'll make sure of it." He calmly states and gritted his teeth. Eyes blazing with intense heat.

The flames flickered, Archer and Jax, hiding at the corner of the wall.

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