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*Time lapse before her dream*

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*Time lapse before her dream*

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, Brianna wasted no time gathering her things and rushed to exit the room, her classmates look at her weirdly but she decided to ignore it. She had a lot of things to do, and the first thing is, to get away here as far as she could.

Luckily, she and the twins didn't have the same class, which she is very thankful for.

Tara sat at the back, looking at her with a scowl on her face. One of her minions whispered. An idea pops up in her deranged mind.

"What do you think if we teach the freak a lesson? What do you say, girls?"

Her friends squealed in delight. They followed Brianna silently, the poor girl is unaware of what's going to happen to her today.

She dumped all of her books inside her locker, suddenly, a hand slammed the door shut. She jumps in fright, her head whipped, and her eyes were met with the person she didn't expect to be.

"Hey freak what's with the rush? Going somewhere?" Tara crossed her arms and cocks her eyebrows. Brianna sighs, she had no time for this.

"Do I know you? Just leave me alone." She mimicked her voice irritating her further. Her left eye twitch, with a knowing smirk, they both glared at each other.

"What did you say freak?" She turns and began to leave, every second counted. It's a matter of time before the twins caught her.

"Don't turn your back on me!" Tara yells and grabs the end of her hair. She cried out in pain and faced her with hatred in her eyes. Tara's minions crowd her and they began to push her and pulled her hair.

She was not a fighter but with a sudden rush of adrenaline, she was both shocked when she twisted her body and used her knees and hits Tara in the gut.

"Stay out of my way!" Brianna screeched and shoved past her. Tara doubles in pain and fell to the ground. Her minions pushed past her and went to Tara's side.

"Fucking freak!"

"You'll pay for this!" They shout, She sprints past them, she didn't stop until she was outside.

Brianna knew that they are waiting for her.

Present day

Brianna applied concealer to hide the bruises on her face. Her busted lip was still sore, she went to her bathroom and took her long warm bath. The warm water soothes her sore muscles. She checks her reflection in the mirror, the left part under her breast was full of bruises, she bit her lip to stop herself from crying.

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