Chapter Special: Monster Party

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[Author's Note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Haha, sorry so uh if you don't celebrate Halloween I apologize, you might not like the second story... If anyone spots any mistakes please forgive me, I'm having a bit of a problem getting used to doing everything on my phone. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the two stories, chapter 20 will be out really soon! Hopefully. Thank you for reading my Lovelies, I appreciate you all!]


Story One: Monster

Red eyes gleam in excitement as those below him scream in terror, crying out for help, for someone to save them as a sea of flames engulf the village.

Those who managed to escape the immediate danger of their burning homes were greeted to the sight of a barrier made up of dark F/C tendrils that surrounded the entirety of the village, blocking off their escape from the one above who lounged in the air, moonlight shining down upon him as he watches with relish the different reactions of his prey.

“It’s him! It’s the berserker!” A soot coated Labramon gasps in disbelief upon seeing him. 

A singed Palmon trembles in fear. “You’ve got to be kidding… We’re trapped in here with him…?”

“So what?! Why are you all so afraid? There’s only one of him, we can take him!” Sinnimon’s eyes fall upon a rather frustrated Gumdramon tightly clutching the charred remains of a yellow scarf. The Gumdramon in question definitely seemed out for blood.

How fun~

“You’ve got to be crazy! Haven’t you heard the legend?!”

“Who cares about some nonsense a random Digimon made up, that jerk up there burned down our village! We need to do something!” He exclaims, earning some support from other similarly idiotic but strong-willed peers.

Sinnimon smirks deciding now would be the perfect time to solidify the fact that he was one to be feared. “And what exactly do you plan to do?” He inquires, landing down on the ground behind the small Digimon, those in close proximity to him back up a bit.

Gumdramon’s soul almost flew out of his body when the presence of the dangerous beast got near, taking a second to remember that they had Sinnimon outnumbered; he turns around and glares at him. “S-Stop you of course!” 

Will you now?” He flashes Gumdramon a pleased grin, satisfied by his answer. “I’d love to see you try, kid, go on. I’ll even let you have a free shot.” Sinnimon extends his arms out to show he wasn’t going to do anything. 

“Jacked Hamer!” The dragon Digimon’s hammer-like tail greatly increases in size before he slams it into Sinnimon’s side, making him fall to his knees. “Everyone now’s our chance! Attack him while he’s down!”

“Right! Diam--” Previously summoned tendrils wrap around all the hostile Digimon’s throats, forcing them into submission. Gumdramon claws at the suffocating force, trying to free himself.

Sinnimon sighs getting up. “How disappointing…” He brushes himself off. “I was hoping you’d be at least strong enough to entertain me for a few minutes but I guess that’s not the case. What a shame...”

“Mon...ster.” Gumdramon manages to spit out.

Sinnimon couldn’t help but laugh at his insult. “We’re all monsters in this world kid, it’s eat or be eaten and I’m hungry~” 

Knowing that he was going to die if he didn’t do something, Gumdramon shakily swings his tail down onto Sinnimon’s foot. 

Unfazed by the weak attempt at self-defense Sinnimon lowers himself down so that he’s face to face with the smaller Digimon. “That wasn’t very nice of you, kid.” He chides, grabbing his face with his paw and digging his claws into Gumdramon’s jaw causing him to whimper in pain. 

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