Chapter 15: It's... You? (1)

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You flew above the tree line of the forest, through an empty area with nothing but gravel as far as you could see, and around a rusty stone city that was strangely destroyed in some spaces, when your eyes fell upon a peculiar scene of what you assumed was a pterodactyl, fleeing from someone trapped under a pile of rubble. You couldn't see all that well so you wait until the aggressive Digimon was gone before cautiously getting close enough.

"Mina!" You cry out in worry upon noticing the trapped being was your friend. "Are you alright? Can you hear me? Hey!"

Kouji groans, opening his eyes, he turns his head to look up at you. "...Y/n?"

"Oh thank God..." You mutter in relief, glad that he was conscious. "Yeah, it's me. Can you move at all?"

"I can but," He tries to shimmy himself free but has no luck, the wreckage he was trapped under was keeping him in place. "I'm trapped. Can you get this rock off me already?"

You nod, taking to the sky to lift the wreckage off long enough for him to slip free. Once you saw that he had escaped you let go and fly back down to the ground, turning back into yourself. "Does anything hurt? Are you injured?" You ask, giving him a proper look over.

"I'm fine, just a few bruises." He reassures with a small smile touched by your concern.

You release a sigh, relieved that he was alright. "Great, that's good. I don't know what I'd do if you were seriously hurt."

"You should be more worried about yourself." Kouji chides, tone turning soft. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm still doing fine." You chirp, a bit surprised by his own worry. "I may have gotten stabbed but Dusky did patch me up enough for me to keep on going!" You frown, suddenly feeling remorseful once the nickname came out of your mouth. "I'm sorry for leaving you..."

His brows furrow. "Don't apologize for that, you're here now and you're okay that's all that matters..."

You warily eye him. "...Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?"

"Obviously I did." Kouji confirms to your horror. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Whaaaaaaat?!" You loudly exclaim, going into full panic mode. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?! What if you have a concussion?! Oh no, what are we going to do? Do we need ice? Heat? How do we fix you?"

He crosses his arms. "Don't be so dramatic, you idiot. I told you I'm fine."

You calm down a bit, all you could do was take his word. "If you say so..."

"Kouji!" A familiar voice exclaims in joy as Takuya and the rest of the group run over. "Are you okay?"

A pink color dusts his cheeks as he looks to the side with a forced scowl. "Yeah." He confirms, a bit embarrassed by how happy Takuya was and by all the concern everyone was showing for him.

Izumi smiles, clearly relieved. "That's good news."

"What about me? Aren't you guys happy to see me?" You pout, not liking how you were being forgotten in this little reunion.

Like a dam bursting, Izumi turns her attention to you before throwing her arms around you causing you to release a startled sound as she holds you in a death tight grip. Kouji awkwardly backs away from the two of you, not even bothering to try and save you from the now crying girl. "Of course we are! I'm... I'm so glad you're okay!"

Your heart aches in remorse as you hug her back. "Woah, why are you crying? Come on... I was only gone for a bit..."

"But you were hurt..." She sniffles, overcome by her emotions. "I mean we knew you were okay but...There- There was so much blood."

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