Chapter 11: A Fair, A Race, And A Never-Ending Pile Of Burgers... (1)

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The raft flew down the long river the group was currently on, the air was windy due to the strong breeze that pushed the sea vessel forward.

"This is awesome," Takuya cheers, his goggles were actually on his face instead of his hat. "we should get to that Autumn leaf thingy in no time."

"Let's hope so."

"And let's hope the Toucanmon are there," Tomoki adds to what Bokomon said, he was still in the bucket that connected the sail to the boat, Neemon was fast asleep beside him. "how can anyone sleep at a time like this? Doesn't he know we have important things to do?"

"Like what sweep up the raft? Relax." Junpei calmly tells him as the single path you were speeding down brings you to the open ocean which was filled with large icebergs that jutted out of the water.

"Man we are cookin' along now!" Takuya randomly says. "Well, maybe cooking isn't really the right word..." He shivers, hands rubbing his arms to warm himself up.

Seeing as how he was cold, you offer your jacket to him since you felt bad for being one of the three wearing somewhat appropriate clothing for the weather. "Here."

"Huh? I can't take that." He pushes it away. "Keep it Y/n or you'll be cold too."

"Aww, don't worry about me, I'll be fine! Besides it's not that cold..." You lie, donning a grin to soothe him. The wind nipping at you was very frigid but you didn't want Takuya to suffer. With a small sigh and a smile of gratitude, he accepts it knowing he didn't really have a choice in the manner.

Kouji scoffs, clearly displeased as he extends his own to you in return. "Put it on."

"No." You refuse.

"Y/n." He sternly says. "You're going to freeze."

"...No, I'm not." You childishly disagree. "Izu-chan's not frozen and she's dressed worse than me, no offense Izu-chan."

"It's fine." She mumbles, keeping her limbs close to herself to stay warm.

"Well, she didn't give away her only source of warmth like an idiot." He remarks.

"I'm fine," You huff. "thank you for your kindness Mina but give it to someone else."

His brow twitches, he couldn't exactly admit he only wanted you to wear it despite Izumi and Tomoki also suffering from the cold so he does the next best thing and drops it on your lap.

You instead pass it on to Izumi who, although grateful, looks between you and Kouji while you were engaged in a glare off. "Maybe you should just keep it, I'll be fine..." She reluctantly hands it back to you.

With the jacket stuck in your possession due to Kouji's glaring you resign yourself to putting it on though you take Izumi's arms into the sleeves with your own so that she would get at least some of the warmth.

"Neemon! Wake up! You can't sleep in the cold, you'll freeze to death!" Hearing 'death' Neemon shoots up.

"Hey look at that." Bokomon says, getting everyone's attention.

"Um, what are we looking at?"

"The ocean, Shiba-san, what else."

"No, land ahead!" Bokomon points forward just as the raft suddenly transitions from the water to a snowy hill.

"That was way better than I thought it would be... but where's that Autumn fair thing?" Takuya asks once the raft becomes more like a sled as it goes down the snowy hill.

Bokomon pulls out his book. "It should be just up ahead."

"Well there is something up ahead but it doesn't look very fair." Izumi points to the large crater.

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