Chapter 18: With Melted Ice Comes A New Dawn (1)

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[Author's Note: The cutie above is named Albamon, yes, you heard that right. There's a new wolpertinger or rather bun in town! I'm actually quite proud of how they came out, I'm not the best artist but I think I did pretty okay! I hope you enjoy this chapter and the story so far, thank you my Lovelies for reading! I appreciate you.]


With the power of all the Spirits, the two main characters perform Unified Spirit Evolution and evolve into EmperorGreymon; another towering Spirit of Flame who wore heavy red armor with golden lining and had two beast heads both with one horn as shoulder pads, a different two-horned beast was covering his arms and he had a sword on his back as well as one on his front fashioned as a loincloth, and MagnaGarurumon who, simply put, was a light blue Anubis headed twink with jet wings, a giant gun on his left arm and a smaller gun with a revolver barrel attached to it on his other arm.

Bokomon looks up at the pair with sparkles in his eyes. "Ah, another beautiful evolution!"

You personally wouldn't call their new looks beautiful (they are MECHA awesome though) but you still gaze at them in awe with everyone else.

"You guys are so cool!" Neemon compliments, Patamon happily nods in agreement.

Cherubimon floats closer to the two who were hovering in place. "Enjoy it while you can. For shortly, all you'll enjoy is the comfort of the grave. Ophanimon was a fool to sacrifice herself." He venomously spat.

Was she? I mean we're stronger now because of her. Not only that but our leaders have a better shot at kicking your butt with the improved power of friendship...

EmperorGreymon tsks. "You seriously still don't understand how Ophanimon felt? Cherubimon... you're the fool! She wanted to save you until the end, despite the stupid things you've done." He pauses to take a breath. "You think you can control the Digital World by yourself but you're going to destroy it instead. You're so greedy that you'll end up with nothing!" EmperorGreymon declares.

"But don't worry, we'll destroy you long before that happens!" MagnaGarurumon 'reassures' with a cocky smile.

Cherubimon's expression contorts to one filled with annoyance. "What could pathetic meddling humans like you know of the Digital World."

"Apparently more than you, all of us can see your selfishness will destroy this world!" EmperorGreymon hotly says.

"We won't waste the power Ophanimon gave us, or her feelings!" MagnaGarurumon pledges in a determined voice.

"We'll defeat you and save the Digital World!" EmperorGreymon asserts.

"Fools! Prepare for your doom! No matter what power you have gained, you are no match for one of the Great Celestial Digimon! Storm of Judgement!" Cherubimon summons a black and red lightning bolt to strike the spot where the two were hovering though they move out of the way. He summons another one to hit the area where everyone else was, though this time he hits the ground where Kouichi and Izumi were causing them to fly back and into the air due to the force. Luckily before they fell to their deaths, you quickly transform into Sinnimon and catch them.

"You two alright?" You ask, earning a shaken 'yeah' and 'thank you' from the pair as you return them to the others.

"Hey, guys, that was a little too close for comfort!" Junpei nervously said, he and Tomoki were on the ground staring at the indent in front of them in fear.

You help them up. "Be grateful it didn't hit anyone..." You mutter, debating if you should try to gather everyone up and move them somewhere safer.

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