Chapter 8: Late Night Chat

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[Author's Note: This chapter has an element from the very, very, very first version of this story before I wanted to share it with the world in a second person format, it's a POV change and since I like it too much/am too lazy to change it to I hope it doesn't bother you too much. I'm sorry.]


"Isn't it pretty?" Tomoki asks, looking up at the dark blue sky decorated with thousands of unknown shining stars and the world's signature three moons. It wasn't often that you were high enough to see everything that painted the night sky especially without anything blocking the view.

You longingly stare at the bright lights. "Yeah... I've never seen so many stars before..."

Izumi walks away from the cave the rest of your group were starting to exit to join you two. "Me either."

"Come on guys, we've got a long road ahead of us. We don't have time for this." Takuya tells everyone, noticing how your group had all paused to admire the stars.

"You can't be serious, you want to continue walkin'?" You whine, tired and sore from the events that transpired earlier.

He nods, the longer they kept moving the longer he'd be free from having to deal with you and his thoughts. "We have to get to Forest Terminal as soon as possible."

"We don't even know what's there..." Izumi says in an exhausted voice.

"Or why we're going there..." Junpei adds.

You cross your arms. "Everyone's worn out Takuya and let's not forget it's nighttime now. It's really not a good idea to keep marchin' off to God knows where..."

Kouji nods, hovering by your side. "I agree with Y/n, it's dangerous at night."

"Yeah, I'm pooped Takuya-oniichan." The two Digimon beside Tomoki also voice their agreement.

You clap your hands together. "And the majority vote says... we set up camp. Come on Takuya, the Forest Terminal will be there tomorrow."

"Fine..." He reluctantly agrees, not wanting to force everyone, especially you and Tomoki, to keep going if you all weren't up for it.

After a few minutes of walking down the cliff you were previously standing on, you had reached an open field in front of a forest surrounded by mist.

Your group splits in half with Izumi, Neemon, Tomoki, and you tasked with gathering leaves for your makeshift beds and the guys, firewood. Once you had obtained all the supplies needed, you regroup and set up your beds before gathering around the fire Junpei had built to decide who would be the ones to watch over everyone for the night.

"So who's gonna take first watch?" You inquire, hoping someone would volunteer without forcing everyone to draw sticks for the undesirable job.

Anxious looks were shared among your group as they all glance around at each other, no one wanted to lose half a night's worth of sleep especially after such an eventful day.

"I did it yesterday!" Junpei quickly exclaims.

"I'm too tired..." Izumi yawns, rubbing her eyes. "Can't someone else do it?"

You sigh at the two's valid excuses. "Alright, I'll do it."

"No, I'm doing it." Kouji quickly insists. "You should just go to sleep and let me handle it."

You smile. "I'll pass on that, you can take the second shift though."

"Y/n-oneechan, I can watch over everyone tonight. Kouji-san's right, you need to rest." Tomoki gently tells you.

The Energy of a Chosen Teen in a New World [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now