Chapter 16: A Little Help Would Be Nice (2)

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"WHY DID WE CHOSE LEFT?!" Junpei exclaims, running away from the horde of angry Digimon that were chasing Izumi and him. Neemon of course had to attach himself to Junpei's leg while Patamon was being carried by Izumi.

"Because it was all that was left!" Neemon jokes, earning a little laugh from Patamon.

"This isn't the time for jokes!" Izumi barks.

Before getting into this situation the four were looking around a rather rock-filled environment they stumbled across, you could already guess what had happened next, Neemon tripped on a small rock and somehow managed to cause the rock to fly off the ground and hit the biggest Digimon in a large nearby group causing them all to chase after him and the rest of the team.

Spotting a giant rock to her left, Izumi pulls Junpei behind it, the four watch as the horde of Digimon run by them thinking that they were further ahead.

"Did..." Junpei pants, exhausted from all the running. "Did we get away?"

Izumi peeks her head out, seeing no sign of the Digimon who were chasing them mere moments ago. "I think so?"

He releases a sigh of relief. "Thank you Digi Gods..."

"Thank you Digi Gods!" Neemon repeats to the literal reincarnation of one of them.

"Do you think the others are having better luck?" Izumi questions since they were currently unsuccessful in their hunt for shelter.

"I hope so, for Y/n-chan's sake."

"She'll be fine!" Neemon tilts his head to the side upon seeing their concerned expressions. "...Right?"

"Of course!" Patamon chirps.

They continue their search in silence, the Digimon seemed optimistic that you'd be fine but Junpei and Izumi weren't exactly sure though they didn't want to discuss the possible outcomes with Patamon around.


Meanwhile, the other group were still walking along a barren path.

After departing, Kouji's insides became twisted up like a ball of yarn being played with by a cat the farther away he got from you. He didn't exactly want to leave you behind especially when he recalled demanding that you stay by his side, not only that but it felt odd being apart from his twin after just finding him...

Noticing the zoned-off teen Takuya gets in his personal space, moving in front of him and walking backward as Kouji kept forward, he waves his hand a few inches from Kouji's face. "Earth to Kouji, hello anyone there?"

Snapping out of his unfocused state, Kouji bumps Takuya's hand away with his own. "Knock it off."

"Is there something on your mind?" Tomoki questions, it wasn't often Kouji let his guard down.

He crosses his arms. "It's nothing."

Takuya frowns. "Are you sure? If something is bothering you, maybe we can help?"

Bokomon tsks at the naivety, apparently, it was obvious (at least to him) what was wrong with Kouji. "You know we can't go back without finding proper shelter."

Cue the light bulbs above the two boys' heads.

"Kouji-san... do you miss Y/n-oneechan?"

Kouji quickly turns to Tomoki in surprise. "W-What?"

"You want to run back to her, don't you?" Takuya inquires in a playfully teasing tone. "To be by her side again."

"Why are you asking me this. We should be focused on finding somewhere to sleep for the night," Kouji glances over to the voice of supposed reason who was writing something down. "right?"

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