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Trigger Warning: If you're a sensitive reader, you might find some contents of this chapter disturbing. 

Abdallah's POV

My father has never been so pissed at me as he was now. If he saw me, that old man would literally skin me alive after disgracing me whole and telling me all about how I've failed all the generations of our family and shamed his perfect upbringing. That was why I respected myself and kept a safe distance from Sokoto even when my mother tried her best to get me to accompany her back.

But just because I didn't go didn't mean the effects of my dad's anger couldn't reach me where I was. The depressing sight of my bank account was the harshest of punishments he could ever give me. I hate to admit it but I'm dangerously broke right now and I just need my daddy.

And my money was drained only since I needed to stall for some time so my aunt and mother would get off my back. I'd been spending more than I have on this wedding I didn't want in the first place. I had to pay for two rents, the one in Lagos where I was forced to get for Fauziyya, my never to be "wife", and the one where my real wife would be taken to; the house Maryam had said was her dream house. Renovating and furnishing it had almost juiced me dry but I kept going only for my Maryam's sake and now here I am, threateningly penniless and not expecting any financial help whatsoever from my family. They all supposedly hate me now.

The only bright side to this was that at least I made a narrow escape and though again I hate to admit it, I had only Salim to thank for it. That rascal wasn't completely senseless after all. And come to think of it, him and Fauziyya really did make a nice couple, the wedding pictures I'd just viewed on his WhatsApp status proved it.

I kept my phone back on the desk and sighed deeply. I was sad but I was relieved as well. What a strange mix. My shoulders relaxed and my palm rubbed my sideburns, reminding myself how I needed to shave before I looked like a cave man. I knew I was rowdy and looked unkempt these days all because of my lack of peace of mind that was caused by one and only one person alone. Yes, you've guessed it, Maryam.

My heart was lifted and soared to new heights just yesterday after she called me and to my delighted bewilderment, told me she was ready to get a divorce from Yusuf. I had to hold my head for a while and wonder if I wasn't dreaming. But since I recorded our phone conversation, the fact that I wasn't dreaming was proved to me as I listened to it again and again.

But then after waiting for her to arrive for hours and spending the night in the airport and she didn't appear, and calling her phone repeatedly till I left her almost a hundred missed calls, my heart was once again shattered since she bailed out on me yet again. It made me see that heart break was a force to reckon with, that shit shouldn't be messed with. It hurts.

It was hard to rise this morning but still I had got myself up and dragged my butt to the office since I knew I had no more time for playing around. I'd been MIA for only God knows how long and besides Kobin's disappointment painted face, what awaited me at Sahabi & Adams was tons of cases I knew I could get hold of a decent amount of cash from.

The most promising was this one of some share holders I had the file open before me. Even from the company name, I knew they meant big money, and I needed those zeroes more than ever so yes I was prepared to spend the next month focusing on something else not Maryam.

And I had no one to blame for that torture but myself. This hole in my pocket was all completely my fault. I had neglected my work completely and for the last six months, I hadn't taken up any cases. My mind had refused to concentrate on anything but Maryam and I had barely been visiting the practice which resulted in me spending more than my income.

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