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Maryam's POV

"Well that was rude." Yaya Abdallah said dryly when Yusuf drove past us.

"He's still better than some people." I half whispered making sure he sensed my spite as I hurriedly walked back to the house.

"Maryam, wait."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around reluctantly "What?"

"Wai Maryam, mai ke faruwa ne? (Maryam what is it that's happening?)"

My heart caught in my throat and I was speechless. Had he heard my and Yusuf's conversation? I've really come too far into this to let it tumble down now so I made up my mind right that moment. Even if he did, there's nothing he can do or say to stop it. I took a deep breath to prepare myself.

"What did I do that was so wrong, you've taken it this much to heart? Listen, I'm sorry I ever thought Kawo and Aunty would do that to you. I really am sorry."

The sincerity in Yaya's voice hit me with a wave of guilt and at that moment, I almost started to hate myself.

"It's alright Yaya..." I started but couldn't finish. I just stood there and stared at my feet before he spoke up.

"We're good?"

"Yes we are and I'm sorry too, I might have overreacted."

"Nah you didn't." he flashed that brilliant smile of his my way. "I know how much those two mean to you so it's only right for you to react the way you did."

"We're good." I smiled up to him and he smiled in return.

"So... that was him huhn?"

I know he was referring to Yusuf and by the look on his face, what he was gonna say or at least thinking about saying nothing good. I was saved from answering by the iqamah commencing the Maghreb prayer.

"Don't you have a salah to catch?"

"Yes ma'am"

And just like that, things were really back to normal between us though I still felt that pang of guilt sticking to me like a thorn. But for now, I'll just comfort myself with the fact that he hadn't overheard us and caught on to what was really happening like I thought he had earlier.


It was the eve to what was supposed to be the best and most important day of my life. The house was overcrowded with relatives and friends. Some I haven't seen in more than ten years and some I didn't even know.

The chills I felt as I got ready that morning were like none I've ever experienced before. I almost felt paralyzed albeit emotionally. The guilt had probably deadened and emptied every other emotion I had in me. I didn't mind Amina bossing me around nor Hafsat putting too much makeup on me. I only wanted to get everything done and over with.

I don't even know why the house was this crowded and why we had this much guests. We weren't even holding any event except the walimah and that was the day after tomorrow.

I wanted to growl and scream and send them all out, especially those fat anties who only came so they could gossip about how expensive my outfit was and go back home with a takeaway of goodies.

"Not being able to afford eight hours of sleep sucks." I whined the only complaint I was able to get out as I smoothed out my outfit and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Amina asked almost disgustingly.

I was dressed in a white embroidered kimono I had never worn till now. The wedding day isn't till tomorrow so I can dress like I want and honestly, I was dressed up by my standards.

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