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Abdallah's POV

He might not have been at the top of my hate list earlier, but definitely, now Yusuf Alhassan is the very first name on it. I loathed him with a passion just like I loved Maryam with a passion. He had five seconds to get out of my face before I break his own face. And thankfully, the coward did exit immediately. Leaving me huffing out my anger alone in my office.

I was beyond infuriated, beyond pissed and the only thing I could take out my anger on was my poor desk. So multiple slams of my fist on the hard wooden surface later, I was finally able to regain myself. I cooled myself off by remembering all the details of the amazing day I just had, how Maryam had called me and even blessed me with her presence here in my office just a few hours ago and how she had made me a pinky promise of leaving this scum immediately Zainab returns and how most recently, I was able to turn off my system so this pesky Yusuf Alhassan couldn't see that on the screen of my desktop, was every corner of his whole house.

Which reminds me of how I needed to get my own place. I couldn't continue living in a hotel since now my stay here is must definitely more permanent than it is indefinite. If I get my own house, I would stop needing to overstay at the office just so I could keep an eye on my Maryam. I'll have everything set up in my place where I'll have enough security of no one barging in on me like Yusuf Alhassan just did. I really need to make the arrangements asap, and the place shouldn't be a sloppy bachelor pad nut a place I could settle with a wife, a place Maryam will follow me too and feel comfortable in after we get married.

She could do magical things to me, that girl, just this thinking of her has made me totally forget about the Yusuf incident and go back to my desktop in hopes of seeing my queen nestled safely in bed. I had always allowed her her privacy to freshen up and change and do any other thing I find;t yet possess the right to watch. Me watching over her had no underlying, pervy ulterior motives to them. I couldn't disrespect Maryam's honour, I withheld it on the same level as my life so how could I do anything that would snatch it away from her? I always used the off button to make the screen blank whenever I got the hint I was approaching to something I wasn't supposed to see.

I was glad to find that indeed, Maryam was already soundly asleep and thus was the proclamation of tonight's watch being over. I was the last one to leave the office and tomorrow in the morning, I'll be the last one to come to the office and this was all for my Maryam. I wished she could see all this was I was doing for her, then no doubt, she'll finally realize how she had loved me all along and throw that Yusuf put of her life. Then, everything will be fine, we'd live happily ever after and have little versions of ourselves soon enough.

Oh, what a life that would be, I mused as I started the drive to my hotel and it wasn't surprising to me when that fantasy continued to play out till I reached the door of my hotel room. The whole ride and everything else had been a blur to me, all that was on my mind was one thing and one thing only, Maryam.

But when I got into my room, the sound of my iPhone ringing broke the charm. Very much to my dismay when I saw the caller was Salim. I had said I was going to talk to him but yes, but I wasn't ready for it to be tonight. That boy was prepared to ruin my already unstable mood.

"Hello?" came his voice when I picked up.

"Yes? Salim?" I answered, settling myself on the bed for what I know was going to be a very long phonecall.

"I... I... saw it... the money," he said nervously. "I just wasn't expecting it to come from you. I didn't know Maryam was going to go and rat me out to you. I mean, I feel she's cheated me, I told her something so she could help me out but she ended up snitching on me to get you to turn on me. But still, please Yaya, please don't tell Mommy and Baba please..."

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