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Zainab's POV

The stars were out tonight. The pitch black sky glistened with millions of them and I had the luck of having one standing right beside me. Though she didn't believe me, Maryam was shining as bright as any of the stars above.

She was dressed in a shimmering black dress that matched my shimmering silver one. Apart from the colour, the only difference between Maryam's dress and mine was how she wound her veil in a hijab style while I just tied mine in a turban that let out a bit of my hair. My makeup too was heavier than hers since she didn't allow me to put on enough eyeshadow on her eyes and she didn't wear the false eyelashes I had on.

But still, Maryam was stunning in that her simplistic way and we were both all set to make heads turn when we step through these doors that had raging teenagers enjoying their prom night. Our last WAEC paper was a week ago and two weeks from now, was going to be our graduation so the celebration inside was on the double.

Me and Maryam had both come dateless, though my case was by choice while Maryam's case was cause she had always been too afraid to date and she had never had a boyfriend, well not yet.

I was 19 and Maryam was 17 and though I had spent a few years in the dating game, I had never ever dated anyone in our school. Those boys were not in my league, both because they were younger than me in most cases and they were plain old stupid. Exhibit A, the case of Bashir Wanka.

My current boyfriend was a 300L university student and I hadn't invited him to our school prom on purpose since I'd rather come with my best friend and have crazy fun on this night not caring what anybody had to say about it.

I had driven us to the location in my Kia Soul and we were both breathtaken when we found out it was a night club. It was a mix of excitement and freight and we held hands as we left the parking lot and started walking to the building that had booming music reverberating off of it.

It looked like he came out of nowhere when Maryam's cousin, Salim stood in front of us. He had graduated last year but Maryam told me one of our classmates, Halima asked him to be her date so he was here at this prom again. He dressed ridiculously in an oversized white suit and a rubber flower hanging out of his breast pocket. Halima was one lucky girl. Note the sarcasm.

"What do you want?" Maryam asked him as we both sighed in unison. "We're not here together so leave us alone."

"No Maryam you have to repeat everything I told you in front of Zainab if you want me to leave you guys alone."

Maryam groaned and so did I. Salim was just extra annoying tonight.

"You promise then you'll pretend like you don't even know us?"

"Hey, I'm not eager for anyone to know I'm with a bunch of losers like you either. I'm only here for Halima but since I'm the man here, you both are my responsibility too." he squared his shoulders, emphasising 'he was the man'

I rolled my eyes, "Maryam hurry up and tell me so he can hurry up and leave."

"Fine, he said we're not to drink anything any guy gives us, especially if it's in a cup or if the bottle isn't sealed. And also, when we're pouring punch into those plastic cups, we have to look inside the cups first and make sure they're empty before we pour it in."

Salim nodded, pleased. "Good girl, but you missed one thing. You two are to always stay together, don't go wondering off anywhere alone."

"Fine, now go!" we both screamed at him.

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