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Abdallah's POV

I drummed my fingers on the seat handle, humming to myself in tune with the steady rhythm of the plane as we touched down. I stared out the window at the runway's empty field, relieved and glad that it was going to be for the last time in this 10hour ordeal.

Less than half an hour later, I was stood with my luggage in hand outside the airport. I had only come with a single suitcase since I was only spending two weeks here before I go back. I had left a ton of work and had to almost beg my boss before he allowed me a leave. I think I might've quit my job if Mr. Visser didn't allow me this leave and I'm guessing he thought just as much when he saw how persistent I was over getting it.

I just had to make a stop in Lagos and see how things were going at my practice before I leave. I co-own a private practice called Sahabi and Adams there but I had to leave it when I was offered a job at The Hague two years ago. My partner, Kobin Adams was kind enough to agree to handle practice on his own before my offer runs out at The Hague and I come back to work in Lagos.

I couldn't say I was surprised when I heard the news of Maryam's wedding. I always knew it was coming along, I just wasn't prepared for it to be now. When Aunty Hajaru informed me about it, she sounded extremely happy telling me her soon to be son-in-law was Lieutenant General Yusuf Alhassan. I suppose I've heard the name before. It's impossible to not know the Alhassans and that's exactly what got me skeptical about this whole issue.

The way I know Maryam, she isn't the type to fall for such guys and more so agree to marry just less than a month into their courtship. Something just doesn't seem right to me but I hope my intuition is wrong and Maryam has really found a guy that will always love her and never hurt her. If he even dares to make one slip up or gives me a single reason to think his intentions are otherwise, I'll have no trouble running him over with my Range Rover.

A car horn snapped me out of my reverie and I turned to my side, spotting Salim waving at me in the drivers seat.

"Dama as always, you are late." I hollered dragging my luggage along with me towards the car. "I've been waiting for almost an hour."

"And you, dama you must complain." he answered back stepping out of the car and walking towards me. "I mean come on, you're back in Nigeria after almost a year and instead of you to comment on how lovely the weather is or how much you've missed the food or more importantly how much handsomer I've gotten, you're complaining about me being late?" he was now standing right in front of me shaking his head.

"Shut up you whiny brat." I said grinning and gathering him in a bare hug.

"Welcome home Yaya" Salim hugged me back slapping my back before releasing me.

He kept my luggage in the backseat and opened the drivers door making to get in.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said stopping him from where I stood behind him.

"Oh" he answered knowing exactly where I was going with this and giving me way to get into the drivers seat.

I wasn't going to allow him to drive when I've survived a full 12hours without driving. I missed the roar of the engine and the feel of the leather of the wheel in my hands and I was preparing to pay the debt my insatiable passion owed me.

"But please just don't kill us." Salim said his voice genuinely scared before he ducked and sat in the passenger seat.

"That's not in my hands." I chuckled getting in and starting the drive with a rave much to Salim's freight.

The drive to the house was long and momentarily boring due to the heavy traffic along the way making it impossible for me to drive like I wanted. I could see Salim was glad and he told me that as we sat still amidst hundreds of other cars waiting for the light.

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