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Yusuf's POV

There are moments when you are overcome by in depth tranquillity; a moment where nothing else matters except that very moment. When your emotions are subdued and then heightened; when the world is awash in one hue of calmness.

Our drive that night was one of such moment. Through out our drive, I could see just how uncomfortable Maryam was, how she kept looking out the window, but for me, the drive from the Alhasan Villa to my modest three bedroom apartment was the best fifteen minutes of my life so far.

My house, which is in Garki II, Ogidi street, was transformed from a humble bachelor pad to a standard family home, 'our home'. All the three bedrooms where modified along with the one living room.

It wasn't easy convincing Maryam's parents to let me do it. They insisted it was the culture for a bride to furnish her matrimonial home. That's a culture I never felt comfortable with, that's putting unnecessary burden and pressure on the bride and her family which is completely unfair, inappropriate and uncalled for. They agreed but still insisted on doing the kitchen.

Our flat was on the second floor, below lives a family of five the parents and their three children and above us lives a newly married couple. It is a huge apartment complex but those are the only occupants I know.

The only person to welcome us was the security guard.

"Welcome Sir." he said before I even opened my door.

"Thank you Monday." I answered, hurrying to Maryam's side with Monday behind me to open her door but she beats both of us to it.

"Welcome Ma, I wish you a happy married life ma, I wish you a very very happy married life, welcome" Monday said immediately she stepped out of the car.

"Thank you very much" Maryam said
giving him a very tired smile.

I led the way to 'our' flat opening the door for Maryam when we reached. She stepped in with a salam, I walked in beside her gently closing the door.

"Welcome home" I said, trying to start a conversion, "would you like anything to eat or drink? Would you like some water, a hot beverage or some tea, would you like chamomile tea?" I continued nervously, hoping to get something out of her.

"No, thank you," she answered, weakly, "I'm good," she smiled tiredly, even more tired than the smile she gave Monday.

"OK. Would you like to seat?" I asked, eyeing the nearest seat. seeing she must be tired with of standing with the long day we have had, even longer in her case.

"Uhmmm, no thank you,"I will just like to be shown where I will sleep". We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

" Let me get the door,that should be Monday ", I said walking to the door.

Monday walked in with a suitecase.
" Weldone ma," he said setting it on the floor, "Let me bring up the rest."

"Let me give you a tour of the house then you can pick the bedroom you like", I said, leading the way. I showed her the kitchen first, the two balconies, the dining room and the store room before I showed her the 3 bedrooms, I showed her the master bedroom first which had all her belongings since the people that arranged the house assumed we will be sharing the master bedroom. She picked the last room I showed her, which was at the far end of the house. I could see she liked the room since it was the only room she entered and inspected.

It was the smallest among the 3 rooms,though it is also an suit. It was painted in a soft mauve shade with heavy deep tuape drapes and a poster bed with lilac lace drapes. It was a room Zainab took particular interest doing, and shared every detail of it with me, insisting it's to Maryam's taste and it should be her place of solace.

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