Chapter 11

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"One Two Three!! Fly High Angels!" We cheered loudly inside our waiting room. Chaeryeong got us donuts and soda to relax us a bit from the battle. God I hope we win. We prepared two songs to perform, one song from our recent album and a song cover from paramore.

"We can do this guys." Our leader pat our backs the smiled brightly at us.
"Ryujin, don't worry! We will all slay the stage." Junghyun smiled and pinched my nose.

"Dude you're ruining my make up!" I scolded. "Sorry." He shrugged but his sorry wasn't sincere.

"Ryujin!" Chaeryeong suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yeji is here." She winked and I suddenly feel my heart race. "Really? I forgot to tell her about the battle. Did you tell her?"

"Nope. But I told Yuna about it, maybe she told Yeji." She grinned "Are you nervous?" I broke free from her arms and drank from a water bottle. "Don't be nervous, Ryu. We'll be cheering for you guys." I smiled and ruffled her hair. "Thanks, Ryeong."

"Ya'll exicited for the battle of the bands?!" The host yelled to the mic and God it is so loud. "Before we start, let me introduce you to the judges!" She started calling their names and their contributes one by one. The crowds gets a bit bored and only wanted to watch the bands perform.

"How about we call on to our first band?" She stops and opens a card. "A Japanese band filled with sexiness and power. Give it up to Eien no honō!" The band went to stage amd everyone went crazy.

"Yeji! Isn't that Euki? The one you told us about?" Yuna yelled through the noise and Yeji smiled and nodded.
"She looks so sexy! It's far from what you described!" Lia yelled as well then they started performing.

"She has good vocals!" Yuna yelled but Yeji was only focused on the music and their performance. The crowd was amazed at the band they are watching.

The judged smiled and a female judge stood up and clapped. The band waved the crowd goodbye and gave the judges their smiles.

"Woaaah. I never knew that she could sing like that. We talked and her voice was soft, I never thought that it could be so powerful." Yeji wowed as so as Yuna and Lia.

Other bands performed and they were all doing great. Backstage there's Ryujin and Chaeryeong peeping outisde.

"Everyone is so good. There's no chances of winning." Ryujin sighed and slumped down the plastic chair. "Ryujin, chill. You can do better than them. You practiced a lot for this, and the crowd is anticipating for The Angel's Euphoria. Ya'll can do this." She smiled sweetly at her friend and hugged her tight.

"Get ready guys. We are next after this band." Jiseob yelled. Everyone is nervous and excited at the same time.

The angels's euphoria stood by the side of the stage and waited for the other band to finish. Ryujin made her way back to the waiting room to get the necklace Yeji gave her. For some reason it calms her down. She wore the necklace before heading out.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't see you there." A girl smiled and offered Ryujin a hand.
"I'm Euki. You are Shin Ryujin from The Angel's Euphoria, right? I know you." Ryujin stood up without Euki's help and pats her legs, getting the dust of her pants.
"Yeah. Nice to meet you Euki but I have to go, we're next on set."

"Here we go! Angel's Euphoria is gonna perform!" Lia squeeled. "Look It's Ryujin!" The crowd went wild wild as soon as the band got on their stage. Ryujin held her chest but didn't feel her necklace. She suddenly felt uncomfortable, nervous and went looking around the floor to look for it.
"Ryujin are you okay?" Bumjoon yelled from his kit. "I-I lost my necklace." Ryujin got teary-eyed.

"Can we hear ya'll scream?!" Junghyun screams at the mic and everyone went wild, chanting their names. Ryujin's confidence grew back as soon as she saw Yeji among the crowd, cheering and squeeling.

"Let's Go!" Bumjoon says before hitting his drums. Every one jumped to the beat and the band automatically pulled out and got in character.

Ryujin charismatically took the mic off the mic stand and went to the other side of the stage where the crowd started to cheer louder. She glanced at Yeji and smiled as she high five her fans.

She cooly walked to the center as the chorus starts and went wild with the crowd. The 3 judges seems to be satisfied that they all stood up and clapped along.

"Ryujin you are the best!" Chaeryeong jumped onto me and hugged me tightly. "Thanks." I hugged her back but my eyes roamed around the floor, hoping to find the necklace. Yeji would flip if I told her I lost it.

"Congrats to us guys." Bumjoon suddenly entered and and hugged us all. "If we win. We haven't got the results." Junghyun chuckled and went to fix his hair from head banging back at the stage. "I know. We win or lose, we still did a great job." He pats my back and gave me a soft smile.

"Did you find your necklace?" He said checking behind the pillows too. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find it. "Wait here. I'll call our manager to check the lost and found."

"No we can't tell him. He'll probably say that I could just buy a new one and forget about it." Bumjoon furrowed his brows and shrugged. "Yeah! You're rich, why can't you just buy a new necklace?" I facepalmed.

"Yeji got it for me. It's a gift. I can't lose it." My voice cracked, and I felt hot tears forming in my eyes. "Ryujin, don't cry. We'll find it, don't worry." He then went outside to check.

"I will be announcing the 3rd place." The host says. The bands are behind the host, anticipating for the ranking. Ryujin caught my eye the most. She looks tired and her eyes are a bit red, it looks like she cried backstage.
"Omg look at the tension between Euki and Ryujin." Yuna suddenly says. Euki looked at Ryujin and the latter stared back as the host announced the 3rd placer. Everyone clapped at the 3rd placer and they recieved the award happily.

"The second place goes to..." Ryujin tensed next to Euki but the latter looks chill and cool.

"Eien no honō!" The crowed yelled and and cheered. Ryujin's eyes went wide and jumped happily with her band.

"Congrats, The Angel's Euphoria! You won first place."

"Congrats, Ryujin." Nicholas appeared with his car. "You watched?" He grins and ruffled my hair. "Ofcourse! Why would I miss it? I even got these bouquet for you." He handed me a bouquet of white roses and it smells really good too.

"Thanks, Nich. I appriciate it, really." He warmly smiled and open the car door for me. "That's sweet, Nich. But I promised my bandmates that we'd ride home together." He pouted and scratched his nape.

"Is that so?" I nodded. "Then I'll wait here with you. Until they come and pick you up." He closed his car door and stood next to me. I feel secured and safe with him, I'm happy to have him back.

"Ryujin?" I looked at him after a lomg silence. He suddenly got serious and locked eyes with me. "Do I still have a chance with you?" I've thought about it last night.

"I'm sorry, Nicholas." He nods and gently smiled. "We can be just friends then?" I nod, giving him a genuine smile.

"Is it Yeji? You like her, don't you?" I felt heat rushing on my face. "I knew it. Look at you blushing." He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Do I still get to keep these roses?" I teased.

"Of course. It's for you." He smiled and looked away. Even if he doesn't say it, I know he is hurt. I couldn't blame myself either, it's not my fault if I can't love him like how much I loved him before.

"Look. I'm really sorry. I didn't really want to hurt you but I just wanna be honest. I can't love you the way I used to, Nich." Tears rolled down his eyes, the tears that he's been holding back.

"It's okay, Ryujin. I want to you to be happy and to be with someone you really love." He wipes his tears and forces a smile. "I could have done something before to stop the engagement, to fix us. But I failed and I'm a coward. I don't deserve you." I gave him a hug, to atleast comfort him.

"Yeji are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?"

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