Chapter 2

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Bumjoon started making random beats as Jiseob started improvising to the beat, creating a new riff. "Damn, ya'll boys feeling it." Junghyun entered with an iced Americano on his hand, sipping it slowly. "I thought you're studying?" Bumjoon threw a drumstick at him but he has quick reflexes and dodged it. The maknae bent down to grab his stick and waves it around.

 "Start studying before Ryujin enters, she'll be singing on top off her lungs all night that you can't focus on studying." Jiseob calmly placed down his electric guitar on its holder and took a small sip on Junghyun's drink. "Hey that's mine!" The younger boy pouted. "Ya'll grab your own drinks." He puts down his Americano on a table and plugged his bass on his ampli. "Why do you even bring a drink here? You know how these guys like to steal drinks." Chaeryeong chuckled.

"What's up boys?" Ryujin threw her bag on the couch as she enters their studio. "Are ya'll making a song?" She took the Americano on the table and took a sip. "Hey that's mine!" Junghyun sulked and puts down his bass to grab his drink back. "Sorry kiddo, didn't know that it was yours." Ryujin smirked and went straight to the mic, adjusting the stand to her height. "I'm not a kid, noona." Junghyun finished the Americano and threw in at the bin. "I'm just one year younger than you and Jiseob hyung." He picks up his bass and started warming up his fingers.

"Let's start practicing." Bumjoon twirls his drumsticks before counting down.

"Can't wait for the house party, Hyung. I think it will be lit." Jiseob chugged his water bottle and stretches his arms. "It will! I already prepared my DJ kit." Bumjoon smiled proudly. "This will be biggest house party in town." He added as opens his phone to check his IG. 

"I heard Shin Yuna will be there too." Junghyun wriggled his eyebrows at his cousin. He knows how much Chaeryeong likes the Campus Beauty queen. "Stop it, Junghyun. Chaeryeong is too shy to approach her crush." Ryujin smirked and places her arm around Chaeryeong. "I saw Yuna and her friend jamming to our new song hours ago." Ryujin teased, Chaeryeong sent a death glare as she removes the friend's arm around her.

"Stop teasing Chaeryeong, she might cry." Jiseob teased too. Suddenly crumpled paper flew to the three's face, caused by Chaeryeong. "Tease me again, I'll make sure ya'll eat paper." Bumjoon only laughed at his members as he went to his drum kit.

The band went to their manager and asked for the schedules of their upcoming shows, so that they can plan their personal activities. Unfortunately, they are busier than last month. Their fan base is growing a lot and many people can recognize their music now. "The biggest event is on this weekend, the meteor shower event. Pick 3 songs to perform; it can be a cover or your own single." Mr. Yoon said as he types on his laptop.

 "How about your 'Bad Romance' cover? It's party worthy." Chaeryeong suggested to the band. Chaeryeong is not a member of the band but she hangs out with them every single day, been with them on tours and shows. She is known as the best dancer in her dance group. "I still have to improve with that song." Ryujin pouted as she cross her legs and rest her head on her palm. "You still have a week till August 20." Ryujin bites her lip and huffed.

"It's cool, Ryu. We'll take our leave, Mr. Yoon." Bumjoon stood up, followed by the others. They went to their motorcycles and wore their helmets. "I'm Hungry. I want to eat burgers." Jiseob sulked. "Cool, I'm craving for burgers too." Junghyun said as he rides his motor with Chaeryoung. "Then Junior's Burgers, it is." Ryujin started her engine and everyone follows.

They got inside and the first one to catch Ryujin's eye is Yeji and her friends. "Lee Chaeryeong!" Ryujin purposely called her out loud, making the trio look at them. "What are you doing? You're so loud." Chaeryeong shushed Ryujin but the latter laughed out loud. They got a table easily since they are the only ones inside. "Don't even try to talk to them just to embarrass me." Chaeryeong send a death glare to her bestfriend but Ryujin is too playful.

"Yuna! What's up?" Ryujin stood up and waved Yuna to come to their table. Yuna took Yeji's hand before standing up. "What are you doing? Don't drag me to their table." Yeji took her hand back. "Come on! It's your chance to talk to Ryujin." Lia stood up and went to Bumjoon and high fived her friend. Yeji has no choice but to come too.

"Hey!" Yuna greeted the band, Yeji behind her. "Are ya'll going to the party tomorrow night?" Ryujin asked and smirked at Chaeryeong who is currently hiding her face. "Yeah, of course! Right, Yeji?" Yuna nudged Yeji who Is staring at dead air. "Yeji?" She shakes her friend's shoulder. "Oh, Yeah! We are." Yeji snapped out of her thoughts. "Sorry, my friend is a bit weird." Yuna giggled and Yeji furrows her brows. "It's fine. See ya'll tomorrow." Ryujin smiled, exposing her whiskers. She didn't know that she was making someone's heart go crazy for that smile.

"Why didn't you talk? I called Yuna for you." Ryujin crossed her arm at Chaeryeong who is savoring her burger. "You missed the chance, noona." Junghyun shrugged her shoulders as everyone giggled. "At least you got a closer look at her." Bumjoon smirked. Chaeryeong rolled her eyes and smirked. "I'll make a move next time. I'll make her fall for me." Ryujin snickered. "How? You can even make eye contact with her." She teased as Chaeryeong gave her a death glare. "You'll see."

"You were so awkward, Yeji." Lia shakes her head as Yuna giggled. "I've never seen her so embarrassed before. This is so new! It's entertaining." The two laughed as Yeji buries her face in her arms out of embarrassment. "It really is entertaining." The two high fived each other while Yeji is having a crisis. "I don't know what to say, okay? She's too good to be true." Yeji pouted as she secretly glance at her crush. "Make a move already, Unnie. Ryujin might fall for my charms if I kept talking to her instead of you." Yuna flicks her hair and wore a smirk to tease Yeji. "You and Ryujin would look good together." Lia joined and pats Yuna's head. "You think so? Then I should ask her out." Yuna giggled and glanced at Yeji who is staring badly at her. 

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