Chapter 6

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"How's your classes?" Ryujin placed down two cups of instant ramen at my table and sat down next to me. "It's cool, I almost fell asleep." She chuckled and opened a water bottle for me. We started hanging out as friends ever since the meteor shower event, we've been talking for a week now and I learned a lot of things about her. "Good thing you didn't or else your professor would throw a book at you. Mrs. Dawson is a wild old lady." She laughed before putting noodles in her mouth. "She did that last time to some guy who fell asleep in the middle of discussion."

"Are you going to study tonight?" She asked as she sips broth. "Why?" She grinned and brought her face close to mine. "It's a secret. So tell me if you're busy." She kept a small smirk. "I-I'm not busy. We can H-hang out later." I looked away from embarrassment, no one dares to stare right into my eyes, Ryujin is definitely different. "I'll pick you up at 7 after band practice. " She chuckled and went back to eating her ramen. "I'll be at Yuna's house later."

"Are you guys dating? You literally hang out with her every single day." Yuna wore a smug look while I try to fix myself in the mirror. "You even bothered to put on make-up." Lia smirked while taking away the eyeliner in my hand. "You don't need those, Yeji. You are already pretty." I give up! I won't put makeup on and wait for Ryujin to pick me up. "We are not. We're just friends."

"I want to eat. Let's order something." Yuna whined and reached out for her phone. "Be quiet, I'm trying to focus on the movie." Lia shushed her and continued to munch on the popcorn while watching Frozen 2. Ryujin hasn't picked me up and it's been 30 minutes past 7. I kept checking the time and my inbox to check if she messaged me.

"When is she going to pick you up?" Yuna munched on her pizza before talking. "It' 8 pm and she's still not here. What if she forgot?" Yuna took another pizza and shove it in her mouth. How did she even stayed fit after eating a lot? "I guess she did." I couldn't hide the disappointment, I was excited. "Yeah are you sure? Ryujin is outside." Lia suddenly appeared with cookies in her hands from the kitchen. I got my excitement back and hurriedly wear my shoes, I thought she forgot to show up.

"Sorry, I couldn't pick you up on time. Our manager confiscated our phones and practice was tough, we can't leave the studio until shooting a perfect practice video. Unluckily, Junghyun kept messing up his bass line." She pouted while taking off her helmet. Her messy hair makes me forget that I'm supposed to be sulky for picking me up late, I am really curious where we will hang out his time.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he hands me her helmet. She fixes her hair and smirked. "Are you nervous?" She chuckled as she rode her motorbike. I was more nervous that she won't show up than where we are going. "Don't worry, Yeji. I won't murder you." I slightly slapped her shoulder as soon as I rode behind her.

"The amusement park!" I took off the helmet on my head and looked around. "I've got tickets to the mini concert. You like twenty one pilots right?" She showed me two tickets and I was surprised. "I got that for us, I know you like them." She showed her whisker and I can't stop smiling, it is the first time that someone bought me tickets to a show and I can't believe that Ryujin is the first one. "Thanks, Ryujin. I'll enjoy tonight." She took my hand and we ran together to the rollercoaster.

"Let's ride this coaster." I smirked and crossed my arm. "You're scared of heights, Ryujin. Stop acting like you're brave." She pouted and scratched her nape. "I was just trying to make it fun! I felt like I'm boring you every time we hang out." I thought I'm boring her, she literally felt the same. I kept help but to chuckle. "You're not boring, Ryu. I'm the one who felt boring."

"Their popcorn is great." Ryujin shoved great amount of popcorn in her mouth. We ended up having a food trip than to try other rides, we rode the roller coaster and Ryujin was holding tightly to my sleeve, she is literally a baby. "Should we get corndog next?" Ryujin finished her popcorn and smiled. "I like corndogs." She giggled as ruffled my hair. "Then let's get one, princess." I can't believe she just called me that. Stop Ryujinnie, you are making me fall harder.

We jumped around to the beat while Tyler slays every note. Normally, I'm the only one who joins the crowd while Ryujin performs. It's a dream to have Ryujin partying with me as well. "Are you having fun?" Ryujin yells near my ear as we both stopped jumping. "Of course! I'm having fun." I yelled back, she only gave me a big smile and continued partying. God she is gorgeous even when she's just jumping around. I couldn't help but to stare at her and forget that we are in a rock party. She cheered for the performers and sang along. Even off stage she managed to look great.

"That was lit." She chuckled while munching on her chips. I bought her food since she bought me tickets even though those tickets are much more expensive than the food I bought, she looks like she enjoys everything I bought her. "I know, especially when they performed Ride." I took a bite form my hotdog and she smiled. "You were staring at me." She wiggled her brows before going back to munching chips.

"Hey wanna play on the bumper cars?" I looked away, I'm slightly embarrassed that she noticed me staring. "Stop changing the topic, Yeji! And look, you are eating sloppily." She grabs a tissue and wiped off the mustard on my lips. My heart is going crazy again, It won't stop and I'm falling hard. What did I do in my past life to deserve Ryujin treating me like this? "Pft. Cute." She smirked and went back to eating.

"How's the date?" Bumjoon leans on my door while crossing his arms, wearing a small grin. "It was fun, we ate and partied all night." I smiled remembering the rock party me and Yeji went. "So it was really a date?" My eyes widened and realized what he just asked. "W-what no! It was not a date! It is a d-date but only a f-friendly one." Since when did I stutter this much? Shin Ryujin never stutters! "Okay, because you said so." He walked closer and threw his phone at me, I caught it quickly before it hits the headboard. "Listen to that new instrumentals me and Junghyun made." I played the track and I smiled immediately. "Do you have lyrics for this?" I asked, head banging to the beat. "Not yet and that's why I'm here. Can you write some lyrics?" I already have an idea for the lyrics and I'll make it a love song. "It's cool that we are trying soft rock now." I chuckled.

"Have you finished writing lyrics for the last track we worked on?" He looked away and scratched his head. "I forgot, I'm sorry. I swear I'll finish it." He smiled and sat next to me.

"I wanna write about someone I really like." He smiled and played with his fingers. He never gets crushes since he said he wants to focus first on our music so I know it's real if he says he likes someone. "Who is that lucky girl? Do we know her?" He bit his lips and nods. "We are all pretty close to her." I raised an eyebrow "Just spill it already!" He ruffles his hair before sighing, I couldn't help but to laugh at him, he never gets shy so it's rare to see him like this. "I'm not spilling it yet! I don't even know if these are real feelings." I pat his back and smiled at him. "You'll figure that out soon and I'll figure out who that girl is soon." He rolled his eyes and stood up, making his way to my bedroom door. "Goodnight Ryujin." He smiled before leaving my room.

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