Chapter 1

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Walking down the cobbled way of our university, I saw tall trees and perfectly trimmed grass. My family has managed the university very well. Alongside the cobbled stone path, there are benches where students can rest, some students like resting under the trees while chatting with friends or continuing with their studies. "What's up, Bookworm?" I turned to look at my best friend; she is wearing her Sunday's best today, looks like she has a new date? "You have a date today, Yuna?" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arm. "Of course! I wouldn't have dressed up like this If I don't have one." She clings her arm to me as we start walking.

I can feel the fresh air as we walk, I looked both ways to find a specific person as we enter the garden. She's here, the girl I had a crush on for years, since my second year. She has flawless short blonde hair, just like mine but without the small pink and blue streaks. She was a freshman when I first met her, I believe I've seen her before but I don't know where or when. She wears a perfect smile and walks with a pair of flawless legs, she is currently wearing her usual outfit.

"Do you want to sit on that bench for a while? I'm tired of walking." I asked Yuna and she hummed. I only wanted to have a closer look at Shin Ryujin, we sat at the bench near her, she has her earphones on while scanning her book. "Yeji, look. She's the vocalist of 'Angel's Euphoria' she looks so hot." Yuna whispered and giggled.

"Hey have you listened to their new album? 'Nostrum' is so cool, you should listen to 'Doctor'! That song is lit." Of course, I've listened to it since the time it was released. I waited for the song until midnight just to hear Ryujin's voice. Yuna took out her earphones and plugged them into my phone as she searches for the song online. I don't mind listening to it, I'll listen to their song on repeat. I glanced at the vocalist, she took her AirPods off and closed her book. I quickly took off Yuna's earphones, I watched her pack her bag.

The sound of electric guitars and banging of the drums suddenly echoed around as Ryujin's head snapped at us. I felt embarrassed and Yuna quickly turned off the music. "Hey, ya'll be listening to 'Doctor'? Thanks for listening to it, even though I think it's trash." Ryujin walked towards us with a big smile on her face. I felt heat suddenly rise to my face as I try lowering my head. "Yeah, me and my friend like your band. You guys are so amazing and talented." Yuna said as she took Ryujin's hand for a handshake. Yuna nudged my shoulder as I saw Ryujin's hand reaching for mine. "Aren't you Hwang Yeji?" I darted my eyes on her. How did she know me? "Y-yeah I am. How d-did you know?" Okay, why did I just stutter? "Everyone knows you, Yeji. Your family owns the University." She giggled and puts her hands in her pocket. "Nice meeting you guys, Thanks for supporting my band. See you guys soon." She waves before leaving.

"What the hell happened to you, Yeji?" She locked my head and she jumped up and down. "What do you mean? What happened to me?" I broke free from her arm but she placed it back around my neck. "You blushed and stuttered. That is so not you. Where was the confident and calm Yeji?" I rolled my eyes at her. But it's true, I've never been this nervous before. "Perhaps you have a crush? Well, who doesn't? She is like the biggest rockstar in town."

We casually walk around the campus and casually greet whoever greets us. Yuna is famous for her brains and beauty, she even won a volleyball championship with her team back in high school. As we enter the school library, Lia surprised us with tons of books on her table. She is quietly pushing buttons on her calculator. "How's being an engineering student?" We sat in front of Lia who is still busy writing her notes. "Stressful. I barely got sleep." She pouted as she puts down her pen. Yuna took a peek at her notes and saw a lot of math. "Should we take a break this semester break? Dad is letting me borrow his jet, we could go to your summer house, Lia!"

"Let's go to the Meteor Shower event this weekend. Angel's Euphoria will be performing before midnight, before the meteor shower." Lia smirked, Lia is the only one who knows about my secret crush. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay, now I get it. Yeji likes Shin Ryujin. Like a romantic crush, not as a fan. Okay, I get it now." I covered my face from her, she is so loud that people might hear her. "Yuna be careful. We don't want to spill her secret yet." Lia giggled as she packs her things and shoves them all into her bag.

"Why don't you Dm her? I'm sure she'll reply to you." We got inside Lia's car. I sat in the passenger seat while Yuna on the backseat. "I'm not sure. She must be so busy balancing her schedule. She got gigs and more college work. Her day must have been stressful." I sat back comfortably to the car seat as I plug my earphones on and jam to one of Ryujin's songs.

"What are you listening, Yeji?" Yuna spoke from behind, she noticed how I bop my head to the beat. "25 by Angel's Euphoria." I continued bopping my head as her voice continued to run around her head. "A Ryujin addict." I heard Lia giggled while taking a u-turn. "Well, who wouldn't like their songs? It's relatable and cool." Lia parked the car at Yuna's house.

"There's a party tomorrow at 9 pm, at Park Bumjoon's house. Everyone is invited." Yuna and I darted eyes at Lia who just read a text out loud. "Bumjoon from Angel's Euphoria?!" Yuna squealed and jumped up and down. I'm excited but I can't show it, for sure Shin Ryujin will be there, they're bandmates. Lia slumped down and laughed. "We are coming of course! I'm friends Bumjoon."

"How? You never told us." Yuna threw a pillow at her friend and pouted. "Remember when we attend their last show? When Yeji forced us to? We met backstage and I got his number." What a lucky girl! I could never ask for Ryujin's number. Yuna jumped on Lia who is laughing hard while I threw every pillow I held.

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