Chapter 9

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"Flowers for you." Nicholas smiled brightly at Ryujin who just yawned and looked away. "Come on, sunshine. Accept these roses, you like white roses right? You would bother me just to get you roses before." He pouted but Ryujin only scoffs at him. "That was before, Nicholas. I don't like roses anymore." I looked around and see Chaeryoung and Junghyun with uncomfortable faces, Bumjoon and Jiseob looking away, almost wanting to drag Nicholas out of the room.

"Can you just leave? We can't practice with you trying to talk to me." Ryujin coldly says as she picked up her electric guitar, abandoning his flowers. "I'll wait for you until practice is over, I can drop you home." He really is dedicated, I felt awkwardness and I want to get out of the room but Ryujin told me to stay here. "I have to take Yeji out to eat, right?" Ryujin winked at me and I immediately felt heat rushing through my face.

"Like a date? What are you guys?" Nicholas looked at me then back at Ryujin, looking frustrated. "Yeah, it is a date. So can you leave now? It's uncomfortable." Ryujin snapped, Chaeryoung is not joking when she said that Ryujin is scary when she is in a bad mood.

"Fine. I still won't stop, Ryujin." He glared at me before leaving and Ryujin suddenly sat next to me. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to pretend that we are on a date even though we are n-not, y-you know?" Her mood suddenly changed and she suddenly looks shy. "It's fine." I smiled and pats her shoulder. "Go practice now." She softly smiled and picked up her guitar.

"You really did take me out." I teased but she just continued eating. "You want to date me then?" Ryujin stopped eating and looked at me wearing a surprised expression. "I'm just kidding, Ryu." I'm not really kidding, I really want her to take me out on a date. "Isn't this a date?" She smirked. I looked away and took a small bite on a single fry. "I'll totally date you if I was a guy." She giggled before going back to eating. Can't we date even if we are both girls?

"Do you believe in love?" Ryujin asked as we both gaze up the stars. "Yeah why?"

"Just asking." She leaned on the railings at the rooftop of her apartment building. "Do you?" She shrugged. "I think love wouldn't last for a long time, I don't think it exists." She once told me about having a broken family, they were happy before until her mom found someone new.

"Do you like someone?" I felt like I have to confess my feelings now but I also feel like this isn't the right time. "Yeah, of course." She smiled and nudged my elbow. "Who is he? Do you want me to help with your love life?" I shake my head and giggled. "I like someone who is not a guy. It's my first time having a crush on a girl."

"Really? What is she like?" She has a big smile on her face right now, if she only knew that I like her. "She has a very cute smile, she is pretty, a great singer, she is funny and kind." She nods and smirked.
"That sounds like me." I rolled my eyes, she really is the one that I'm describing.

"What's her name?" Why is she curious about it? Should I just tell her? "It's a secret." I smirked. She scoffs and pats my shoulder. "I'm sure she'll like you back. You are a girl crush." She chuckled softly and looked at the stars. "I'm not you, Ryujin."

"Whatever you say, Yeji." We both laughed and stared at the sky.

"Have you finished the song?" Bumjoon asked while warming up his arms. "I haven't actually. I've written a few lines but I don't really have an inspiration." I pouted as he pats my head. "Don't you have a crush on anyone?"

"I don't think I like someone right now." Bumjoon nods and pouted. "Too bad, I was expecting that you would like..." He scratched his head and turned away. "Nevermind. Let me just make song lyrics." He went back to his desk and grabbed his pencil.

"Hey Ryujin!" Nicholas ran towards me. I face palmed, he really didn't want to give up. "What do you want this time? I told you to stop bothering me." I crossed my arms but he still kept near me.

"Let's go to the arcade! I know how much you like playing games." I haven't visited the arcade lately, plus he looks so desperate to take me out. "Fine, one day wouldn't hurt." He smiled brightly and led me to his car.

"I missed having a roadtrip together, should we do that next time?" He enthusiastically said while driving. He would glance at me every second so if I die due to car crash, It's his fault! My fans would attack him. "Woah, are you sure that there will be a next time? And eyes on the road please! I don't want to die yet" I smirked and he pouted. I'm not affected by him anymore but his pout is really cute. "Come oooon. I'm trying my hard here." I rolled my eyes and look out the window instead.

"We're here!" He was about to open the door for me but I opened it myself. "I can open doors too, Nicholas." He crossed his arms and slowly shakes his head. "I'm trying to be a gentleman here."

"You're no gentleman. You almost punched me at the face back then when we first met." His smile got bigger. "You still remember that? Does that must mean that you still have me in your heart?"

"Hell no." I rolled my eyes and went inside the arcade. There wasn't that much kids inside so I won't be mobbed. "I'll still work hard for your heart, I'll hold them carefully soon. I won't break it next time." He bent over to my height and pinched my nose, smiling brightly.

"You okay, Yeji?" Lia waves her hands in front of my face. "What was that again?" I looked at them confused, I wasn't really listening.

"We were asking if you are going to Angel's Euphoria's showcase this weekend. Bumjoon will send us our backstage passes." Yuna said nonchantly. "You were staring at nothing all day and you were looking like you lost a huge amount of money."

"What happened? Did you and Ryujin fight?" Lia worriedly sat by side and placed her arm around my shoulder. "No. We didn't fight and even if we did, we'll reconcile 5 seconds later."

"Then why are you sad? Is it about Ryujin?"

"Yeah. I saw Ryujin and Nicholas together at the arcade today, they both look happy." I sighed. I'm jealous, I know. I can't help it but I never really made a move, it won't be surprising if they got back together and for me it'll hurt a lot.

"Don't worry, I don't think Ryujin loves him anymore. It's been years ever since they broke up." Yuna sat in front of me, placing a small pillow on my legs. "Ryujin's gaze was different. That worries me a lot." Yuna hugs me and Lia rest her head on my shoulder.

"There is definitely out there who likes you a lot but doesn't get the chance to confess or talk to you. Maybe Ryujin wasn't really the one for you." Yuna pouted while patted my head. "I'll try my best not to forget about it then."

"Hyunjin!" A grey haired girl rushed towards him and hugged him. "I missed you so much! Where is Yeji?" Hyunjin grabbed her bag and carried it for her. "Yeji is with her friends right now. Why'd you ask? Still have the hots for my sister?" He smirked. The tall nods and smile. "Don't worry, Euni. She's currently single." Euki widely grinned and softly punch her bestfriend. 

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