Chapter 3

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This is embarrassing. I look at my whole body at the mirror and cringe at myself for wearing a short skirt and a cute crop top. "You look so damn good, Unnie!" Yuna squealed as she took out her phone to take a picture of me. I quickly threw my pillow at her to stop taking pictures, because it's so annoying and I don't like my outfit. "Ryujin would like it." Lia winked. I don't think I want to look like this in front of Ryujin, I want to change to my hoodies. "I don't want to wear this. Can I wear a hoodie instead?"

Lia raised an eyebrow at her and crossed her arms. "Ryujin likes sexy girls. You are sexy but please brag about it." Lia took another look on her makeup and Yuna fixed her hair. "I'm shy! I don't want to expose my curves." I took a hoodie from my closet and started changing. "Fine. Don't come crying to us when you see Ryujin flirting with some other chick out there." Lia smirks as she plays with Yeji's long hair.

"Brayden will be there and I'm nervous!" Yuna pouted. Brayden is her date that she told about yesterday, they just started dating. I personally don't like Brayden for Yuna, he seems like a fuck boy. "Chill Girl." Lia said as she started her car engine. "I can't just chill. You know he's been my crush since high school." She bit her lip and look outside the window.

"I'm excited!" Lia squealed after opening the car radio. "Me too! I can't wait to dance." I said as I bop my head to the song. "Dance with Ryujin?" She teased. That's really want I wanted. I'm not sure if she wants to dance with me, I might not be her type. "Want me to take Ryujin to you?" Yuna giggled from the back seat. "No thanks, Yuna. I'll try to approach her." I'll build up my confidence when I see her.

"Ya'll came!" Bumjoon greeted from outside their big mansion. "Thanks for inviting us. We will have fun." Lia high fived him and gave him an eye smile. The music is bursting through every wall as we walk inside. "Ya'll can get drinks in the kitchen, you guys can come to our lounge too if ya'll want to hang out with us." He shouted loudly. "I have to greet some guests outside! I'll see you guys around."

"Hey, I'll see you guys later!" Brayden waves at us as he made his way to Yuna. "Hey cutie. Let's dance?" Yuna nods as he rest his arm on her shoulder. "Wanna get drinks?" Lia locks her arms around mine. I look around to find the blonde girl but there is too many people dancing around so I can't find her. "I don't drink, Lia." I rejected the red cup. Lia pouted and drank some of hers. "It's a party! You are supposed to drink." I shake my head, I have no plans of getting drunk tonight, I have to keep sober for these girls. "How about let's find Ryujin and hang out with the band?" I somehow lit up upon hearing her name, I'm a bit shy to hang out with them but It's still a lifetime opportunity for a fan to hang out with her favorite band. "I guess so." I scratched my nape as she pulls me to the band's lounge.

"Lia! Yeji!" Bumjoon greeted us with drinks in his hand. I looked around the room but there's no Ryujin around. "We've got nowhere to go and we are too embarrassed to make friends." Lia sat between Jinsoub and Chaeryeong. "Sit here, Yeji! Feel free to chat with us." I smiled and sat next to Junghyun who gave me a small smile. "Yeji is a bit shy. She is a big fan of you guys specially with Ryujin." Lia giggled as everyone wowed, I felt heat on my face again and I can't believe Lia exposed me to the members. "Thanks for admiring us! Too bad Ryujin noona is not here yet." Junghyun said as chug his cup full of beer.

"Speaking of Ryujin, Why is she late?" Jinseob asked as he refill Lia's cup. "She has an emergency meeting with her dad, she'll show up soon." Chaeryeong smiled lightly. I heard she is bubbly and fun yet she looks a bit down tonight, I wonder what's wrong. She and Ryujin are bestfriends for life and they are really close so maybe they fought? "Do you drink, Yeji?" Bumjoon asked as he pass me a cup. I shake my head and smiled. "No, I don't drink." He nods and shrugs. "More for me then." They chuckled. I want to see Ryujin right now, It felt like forever for her to come. "I'll just walk around for a bit. See you guys."

I stood up from my seat and went outside the room. Outside here has a big balcony where I can see people dancing and chatting from downstairs. They are people who are having fun with their friends, some are making out, dancing and jumping, there are also heartbroken people. Things get boring until I saw the Blonde haired girl, standing out in the crowd. A lot of people around her but I can only see her, I can only stare at her. I stared at her for a long time and I froze when our eyes met, her eyes straight at me. She stopped walking and stared from the first floor, I can see her bright smile again. This is so unreal, Is she even looking at me? I looked around and there is a lot of people behind me. I lost hope.

I looked around to see the blinding party lights and drunken teenagers being loud and funny, I see her way through the crowd. "Hello." Ryujin smiled. I froze, realizing that she made her way through the crowd for me. "H-hey." I couldn't look at her right now, this is embarrassing. "You look great tonight." She giggled. I took a quick glance at her and looked away, knowing she is still staring. "You too. Your band is in there." I pointed at the room but she just nods and chuckled. "Are you okay? You look nervous whenever I get to talk to you." I felt like blushing, I thought she was too occupied by Yuna that she won't notice me from behind. "I thought you wouldn't notice me." I scratched my nape from embarrassment. "Why wouldn't I notice you? The Hwang Yeji is in front of me." She smiled brightly. I could feel my heart going crazy inside me. "Don't call me like that, as If I'm someone really special." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You are literally the campus princess! Or maybe you really are a princess?" She teased.

"Says the hottest rockstar in town." I giggledwith her as we make our way to the room. "I'm not the hottest rock star here, Hwang." We opened the door to see the band laughing and cheering for Junghyun who is twerking and dancing. "Ryujin noona!" She looked at him, wearing a disgusted face. "That's the hottest rockstar." She chuckled before Junghyun drags her away from me and he started twerking right in front of her. "Stop it Junghyun! It doesn't suit you!" She then spanked his butt and sat down next to Bumjoon. "Why did you and Ryujin came back together? Did you confess your feelings already?" Lia whispered and wriggled her eyebrows at me. I pushed her shoulder away from me and head locked her. "They might hear you." Lia eyesmiled. "I heard it though." Chaeryeong whispered and smirked. I face palmed and Lia giggled. "Please don't tell her." She only smirked. "Can't guarantee that, hon." She stood up with her drink and went outside. 

"What happened?" I followed her outside. "What do you mean?" We stopped at rooftop. We both lean at the railings. There is no other people here since it is restricted from guest but since we are bumjoon's bestfriends then we are free to go whenever we want in his house. We looked down to see people having fun on the poolside. "You look down. Are you Chaeryeong? I know Chaeryeong would be dancing wildly on the dance floor right now." She shakes her head and scoffed. "Not in the mood to do anything." I furrowed. There must have something that happened, this is so not like her. 

"You want to know a secret, Ryujin?" I looked at her and saw Chaeryeong looking down to the people at the poolside. I looked as well and see Yeji, Lia and Yuna laughing and chatting. "What secret?" A few seconds of silence before she shakes her head. "Nothing. I'll see you later." She left me confused but I stood still while looking down to the trio.

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