2. shinzou- Astraphobia

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Astraphobia is extreme fear of thunder and lightning.

I'm having kind of a bad dey so I'm doing shizou with the fear of thunder and I hope it'll be good.✌🏻


You can skip this but you should read it you will understand the story no matter what ✌🏻☺️

•There is a time skip to 3rd year of UA.
•Shinzou and Y/n are 18-19.
•y/n is Mina's twin but you are in class 1-C.(with Shinzou)
•your Quirk you choose - Y/Q.
•y/n and shinzou have been dating for 2 years✌🏻.


It's winter your list favourite season of the year, not just bc it's super cold but also bc you are extremely afraid of thunders and lightning.

Y/n's POV

It's raining again... I hope there won't be any lightning or thunder...
At your dorm room, Shinzou came to see you he didn't tell you why but you weren't that interested anyway. "Babe why do you have chocolate bars and blankets?"
"What can't I have a nice day with my beautiful girlfriend?"
"Shinzou, you shouldn't answer question with another question..."
"Yeah I know, well I just wanted to spend some time together ❤️"
"Oh that's so cute ☺️😄. So what movie do you want to watch?"
"Happy movie! You choose"
"K. Let's watch (y/n fave movie)!"
"Sure thing"

Shinzou's POV
The thunderstorm is going to start any minute now... Shit! What do I do?! Hitoshi come on you gotta think of something. Mabye use my quirk on her? No no no no I hate doing it especially on her... What do I do?!?!
"Hitoshi?... Hitoshi you there?"
"Oh y/n sorry I was overthinking again...sorry babe."
"It's ok. It's just you look troub-"
Y/n couldn't even finish the sentence and thunder hit...
"Hey Hitoshi please tell me that it wasent thunder!"
"If I did I'll be lying..."
Y/n started to breathe heavily but nothing helped bc this thunderstorm was long and strong...

Third person POV
Y/n is having an anxiety attack but the things Shinzou did didn't help. He was hugging her kissing her brushing his fingers through her hair. Basically everything that he knows of that can calm y/n down but nothing helped. He hates seeing y/n cry or in pain... But no matter what he tried he couldn't help. The last thing he thought about was instead of kissing on the forehead kissing her lips, but that wasn't that common option bc usually the things she did till now would help... So he kissed her and her breathing slowed down.
"Hitoshi?" Y/n said while sniffing.
"What is it baby?" Shinzou said in a calming tone.
"I love you..."
"I love you too y/n."
Y/n fell asleep on his chest with his head on yours.

Wow that was hard to write but I love it seriously I really do. Like I just imagine Shinzou like that and I want him to be like that because that would be the cutest thing in this world.👉🏻👈🏻
Love y'all 😛

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