23. head cannons

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Just some head cannons cuz I want you to cry like I did when I thought of them!😐😑😐

Shoto; he needs constant reassurance that you love him, because he didn't get the love from anybody in his family...

Bakugo; he always needs to feel more powerful than you, because he know he's not. But he acts like a jerk because he's best friend is stronger than him, and he knows that but he doesn't want to admit it... And that just makes him hate himself.

Kirishima; he doesn't show it around anybody but you, but he actually hurts him everything bakugo tells him, and when the both of you are alone he breaks down in your arms...

Deku; because of bakugo he actually developed crippling anxiety and bad depression, so he felt like he had 24/7 to tell you how much he actually loves you because he's eyes he was born broken and he doesn't want you to feel it...

Mina; she definitely looks like a party animal, but she grew up with people telling her she's a freak and that she doesn't belong to this earth, and choose to ignore them but with time they got too deep in her head and now she believes it, she even tried to kill herself once but she didn't because you saved her, and now she feels like she owes her life to you.

Denki; he is really really hurt... And he needs you doesn't just want you... He literally needs you to stay stable in his life because he's afraid that if he's without you he'll just fall apart...

Sero; he's ashamed of the way he looks, he's ashamed that he's Spanish, because he wants to talk to someone who's Spanish, and when you learn Spanish just for him it warmed his heart so much...

Uraraka; I don't have much to say about her... I don't really simp for her so... But I think that everyday she will tell you that she loves you she will tell you that you're important to her and how much you're important to her, she will tell you that you will love you no matter who you are what you are and whatever you choose to be.

Iida; he feels secure and safe in your arms, and when the both of you are cuddling he feels like you're just protecting him from the whole entire world.

Jiro; she will write songs about you, because she's not really open about her feelings she will write everything in songs and sing it to you, even if she feels really really sad she will put it in the song and after you hear it you will just hug her and tell her it's okay...

Momo; she hates it that people will just see her as money and as a rich girl that gets everything she wants, because that is very wrong, the only thing she wants is love and somebody to love her and that she will be able to love them exactly the same...

Shinzou; his biggest fear is that you will leave him, and so when you cuddle he will always hold you a bit too tight, and when you tell him that he's holding you too tight, the only thing he'll say is "if I won't told you as tight, you'll escape and leave me alone"...

Aizawa; he used to think that you're only with him because he's good in bed, but later he found out since you're with him because you actually love him and who he is. And when you told him why you love him and how much you love him he cried for hours...

Hawks; Hawks needs concentrations reassurance that you love him, to the point where one day the both of you will just cuddle on the couch, and I would have nowhere he will just ask "hey y/n d-do you still love me?" And you will hug him tight and say that you love him and you will never ever leave him no matter what he does...

Dabi; he is insecure about his scars, he thinks they make him look ugly and unattractive to you, and he would rather you not touch them because he doesn't want the little nails he has there or whatever to touch you and hurt you, he is so afraid that one day you will just stop seeing him the way you see him and leave just like he did...

Shiggy; at the start of the both of you dating he didn't want to touch you from the fear of disintegrating you, but later he learned that you are very strong, and that even if he's afraid you can help you're there... You don't want him to feel alone...

Toga; she never thought she could love everything about a person, but then she met you and fell in love with everything about you, and it terrified her to the point where she tried to kill you so she will get rid of that feeling, but you just hugged her and told her it was okay...

Tamaki; he was and still is extremely anxious and really socially anxious, and when he met you he thought you wouldn't like him because of his anxiety, you actually agree to take it slow and he loved that after the both of you started dating everybody could see his happier...

Midnight; she just loves you, she used to think you just saw her as a walking pair of tits, but you proved her wrong and no it's really hard for her to see life without you in it...

Mt. Lady; she is actually very embarrassed that people only like her because of her body, and so she made a vow to never date anyone, but you proved her wrong you proved her it's worth to live life, you showed her that there will always be those kind of people, perverts that only like body and that's it, and she loves you for it...

Shouto; for a long time now he's being showering with cold water because when he showers with hot water he gets into a panic attack because of his PTSD, in one day he didn't notice and put the water on the hottest part, any got in the water, and when he felt the temperature he feels like he couldn't breathe, and he yelled for you and you immediately came and hugged him and told him it's okay, in the both of you just stayed looked at on the floor hugging for a really long time.

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