Chapter 17

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~Thanks for all the support on the story recently. Almost at 5,000 reads! You guys rock <3~

This moment of silence is the most deafening thing I've ever heard in my entire life. It feels like I've waited so long for this, when I really haven't. Suddenly, I hear a click and the door swings open, revealing Alanna standing in the doorway. She's wearing some black short shorts, with a tight pink bandeau and what seems to be a black bra underneath, revealing her stomach. Her bleached hair is tied in a high ponytail using a thick black elastic and it seems as though her makeup is already done.

"Hey! You guys can come in." She greets us with a smile as she moves out of the way so we can enter. We walk through the doorway and I sit in the small couch while Mitch leans against the glass door next to the couch, making sure to stay close to me. Alanna sits on her bed across from us.

"Where's J-Jess?" Mitch stutters, obviously nervous.

"In the bathroom." She states, pointing her thumb behind her. Mitch and I look at each other, and I can tell in his eyes that he wants to confess now. I know what type of person he is, so I'm aware that he's going to act like it's not a big deal, which is perfectly okay with me.

"So, what's new with you guys? It's been so long since I've seen you both!" Alanna exclaims, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Nothing much, really." I shrug my shoulders and look at Mitch, as if giving him the signal to start talking if he wants to.

"Yeah. Just kinda worked on our YouTube channels, discussed that we're dating and mostly slept." Mitch chuckles, lowering his voice a little when he was talking about dating. I'm not gonna lie, my heart jumped a bit in my chest when he said we were dating, even though I saw it coming. I lower my head a bit trying to the hide the fact that I'm furiously blushing, heat rushing to my face.

"Wait, what?! You guys are dating?" Alanna asks, her expression looking bewildered as she stares at me then at Mitch multiple times.

"Yeah." Mitch confesses as his shoulders tense up.

"That's so cute!" Alanna exclaims, as she quickly leans over to hug Mitch then me.

"You're okay with it?" I question, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Of course! You guys would be adorable together!" She squeaks, as she seems pretty happy about it.

"You're not mad at me...?" I question with slight confusion.

"Of course not!"

"Because I thought you liked me." I confess.

"Oh, no I don't! Sorry you got that idea. Well, now that I think about it, it kinda seemed like I did like you, didn't it? Whatever, just know that I don't like you and I never did." She states, nodding her head once in agreeance with herself.

"Okay, cool." Mitch says, letting out a deep sigh of relief. He proceeds to sit himself down in my lap, obviously making himself comfortable. He seems much more relaxed now that he doesn't have anything to hide.

The bathroom door swings open a few moments later, resulting in Jessica entering the main room where we're all seated. She suddenly halts, eyeing Mitch as he's still seated in my lap. My heart begins beating a million beats per second as Mitch flashes a quick smile at her as she awkwardly walks over to us, continuing to give a strange look in our direction.

"Ummm...?" She begins.

"We're dating." Mitch blurts out, as if showing no mercy to her feelings.

"Whoa, okay. When did this happen?" She asks, her face showing no emotion.

"Just a few days ago, before the trip." Mitch grins up at her. His hand finds mine and he intertwines his fingers around my palm.

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