Chapter 22

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The next day we wake up and get ready to go to the convention. We wake up around 8:30am because I had set my alarm really loud to make sure that we wouldn't sleep in this year. Once we're finally up and ready, we go to the lobby to meet the rest of The Pack. On our way down the hall we see a bunch of rooms with doors open, and as we walk by we peek inside them to see what's going on. Most of the people are getting ready, like putting on makeup or fixing their hair.

Once we take the elevator down to the lobby, we see The Pack standing near the front door. We go up to them and start talking about where to go to eat breakfast. Someone suggests McDonalds as an idea and not too many people agree. After a few minutes we decide to go to IHOP. We walk out the front doors of the hotel and get into the rental cars that we'd rented. We all pitched in some money to rent two rental cars for the six of us. Lachlan, Rob and Vikk get in one car and Preston, Jerome and I get in the other. After driving for about ten minutes, we arrive at IHOP. Once we pull up and walk in, we wait a few minutes until we are given a table. After we finish eating about 45 minutes later, we leave the restaurant and get back in the cars with the same people we were with on the way to IHOP. We drive for about thirty minutes until we get to the convention center and park a few blocks away so we can walk. We don't want fans finding the license plate of these rental cars and stalking us. Trust me, it's almost happened before.

We get to the convention around 9:40am which is almost when it opens. Since the convention opens at 10, we decide to tweet out where we are. I pull out my phone from my front pocket and open the 'Twitter' app, then type a tweet.

"The Pack is at the front of the convention center along with a bunch of YouTubers! Come meet us 20 mins before PAX South starts! 😁"

Once I read it over once to make sure it's okay, I tweet it out. Once I refresh my feed, I see a similar tweet from all 5 other members of The Pack.

I put my phone away and look around us to see if anyone else is here. There seems to be about a dozen of other YouTubers here at the moment, and I can see more arriving. I can see a lot more fans than YouTubers, and a lot of them look to be freaking out at the sight of all of us. Before I know it, a group of about twenty people approach The Pack and start talking to us, asking for stuff like photos and signatures and telling us about how much they love us. I instantly feel happier when they shower us with praise, since it's reassuring to know that these people have travelled all the way here to meet us. This is the reason why I do what I do.

~Time skip to around 2pm~

I always forget how fucking crowded these conventions get. It's like an amusement park; after noon the place fills up with more people than ever and it only starts dying down until closing time at 10pm. It's not that bad, because part of the experience is standing in line waiting to play the games. It gets you more excited while you wait, and you have the chance to talk to others while waiting.

It is currently 2pm and we're waiting in line to play the new expansion for World of Warcraft, then at 2:30pm The Pack has a meetup organized by Microsoft at their booth, which I'm really excited for. I love meeting fans more than anything.

As we're waiting in line, we're talking about the convention and all the new things that are being added to the new WOW expansion. As usual, my mind begins to wander away from the conversation and into its own world.

And of course, it thinks about Mitch.

We haven't shown any affection yet today whatsoever, which I guess is okay. As we were driving to the convention, Mitch gave me a look that said he didn't want to out us here, so I smiled and nodded back at him for reassurance. I don't blame him; there's a lot of people at these conventions.

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