Chapter 5

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"Hey, what's going on doods, it's Mitch, or BajanCanadian here, and I'm back with AshleyMarieeGaming."

"Hey guys! What is up?"

"Haha! So anyways, we have a very important announcement to make. Ashley and I have been talking recently, and we discovered that we have feelings for each other. Yes, in that way. We talked about it, and decided that we're going to start dating! We hope that you guys can accept our decision and that you lovely ladies and wonderful gentlemen will support us through this period in our lives."


"You know it, babe. So, I believe that is it for this video. If you guys enjoyed, be sure to SMACK that like button with your forehead, let's go for 25,000 likes for Mashley, that would be sweet. Love you all long time, and have a great day."

"Yeah, same goes for my viewers. I hope you guys did enjoy this video, if you did please leave a like and a comment. I will see you guys later, goodbye."

Tears form in my eyes before I have the chance to stop them. From the minute I saw this video in my subscription box, I knew I wouldn't be able to get through it without crying. Yes, I am subscribed to Mitch. He doesn't know it, but I watch all of his videos. Just hearing his voice makes me so happy. He gives me butterflies in my stomach when he laughs. Sometimes, he even brings me up in some of his videos. That makes me the happiest. Suddenly, the door swings open.

"I uploaded the video ten minutes ago and it already has 50,000 views! People must really like Mashley."

"I'm happy for you, buddy." That's such a lie. I've never been sadder in my life.

"Great! Do you wanna go out and celebrate? I wouldn't mind going to a club or something."

"Whatever you want, it's your big day."

"Awesome! We can go in 5 minutes." Mitch exits the room, closing the door behind him. He's so polite.

After paying our fee to get into the club, we walk in. The first thing I notice is the music. I feel so bad for the residents in this area, they must be able to hear it from miles away. It's all pop and dubstep music, which I don't really like all that much. Mitch likes it, though. Also, the lights are so bright and colorful they could make someone blind. They spin in every direction, which makes things even worse. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mitch walk over to the bar and take a seat on one of the stools. Without thinking, I walk over to him and sit on the stool next to his.

"So, how does it feel to be a ladies man?"

"Dope, hopefully Ashley wil be able to visit Canada soon, I can't wait to see her." A man walks up to Mitch on the other side of the counter and hands him a drink in a tall glass.

"Excuse me, can I have one of those?" The man nods and walks away. "But yeah, it'll be pretty sick to be able to talk to her soon."

"I hope it won't be awkward, all we've done is text each other."

"It'll be fine. You'll get to know her more." The man walks up to me and hands me a drink identical to Mitch's. "Thanks homey." He rolls his eyes as he walks away. Mitch and I down our drinks in a few seconds.

Mitch chugs his fifth beer as I take sips of my sixth. We've been at the club for a few hours now, but it feels a lot shorter. We've danced to so many dubstep songs, they're all starting to sound the same. Oh well, it's Mitch's big day. I'll stay as long as he wants me to.

"Hey buddy, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom, wanna come along?" Mitch asks. He smiles goofily at me, tripping as he gets off the bar stool.

"Sure, I'm getting tired of this crappy music."

Mitch was too drunk to disagree with me, so he just shrugged his shoulders and stumbled over to the restroom located on the other side of the room. After almost falling on several people, I know I'm also very drunk. Once we make our way over to the washrooms, we push the door open and wander in.

We are the only ones inside the washroom. I wander over to the sink to wash my hands, as Mitch just looks around as if he's lost. After a while of standing there, he walks over to me as I'm drying my hands. He puts his arms around my waist and hugs me from behind, taking me by surprise.

"What are you doing?" I pull his arms off and turn around to face him.

"You know I love you, buddy." He smiles at me.

"Haha yeah. We've been best friends for such a long time."

"No, you know what I mean. I really love you." His smile dissapears, and he gives me a serious look, expecting me to say the same thing back. I know he doesn't actually love me, he's just saying that because he's drunk. He puts his arms against the wall behind me, forcing me to back up against it. I am now trapped between the wall and Mitch's body. Mitch leans his forehead against mine, and begins whispering into my ear.

"Jerome, I love you... I'm not lying."

"Mitch, you're drunk."

"I know..." He smiles again. All I can do is stand there and wait for him to release me from his grasp. I smile, imagining if he was actually telling the truth. I knew he wasn't, but a guy can dream.

"Mitch, you have a girlfriend. You guys starting dating today. Don't ruin this new relationship for yourself..."

"I want you, Jerome. No one else but you..."

Before I have time to respond, Mitch presses his lips against mine. He lowers his arms, putting them around my waist. I really want to kiss him back, but I can't. I can't betray Ashley like that. As much as I want Mitch to be mine, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Ashley found out. I grab onto Mitch's shoulders and steer them around until we've switched spots. I then push Mitch against the wall, pulling my head back, releasing us both.

"Mitch, you're drunk. And taken."

"Let's go back to my house. We'll talk about this later." He winks at me as he walks out of the bathroom. I follow him, knowing the best thing to do is get back to his place. Besides, it's late.

Once we arrived at Mitch's house, I pay the taxi driver and we both get out. We both stumble up to the front door, unlocking it with the spare key. Once inside, we both tear our shoes off. After closing the door, Mitch presses me up against it with his body, kissing me once more. Before either of us get too into it, I slide my back against the door all the way down until I'm sitting on the ground, my back to the door. That's the only way I can get out of this situation.

"Goodnight, Jerome. See you in the morning." He smiles at me, then makes his way upstairs. I'm at a loss for words. All I know is that Mitch is definitely drunk, and that he doesn't mean what he said. I wish he did mean it, but I know him too well for it to be true. He likes Ashley, not me. All I think of doing right now is going to sleep. Hopefully that'll clear my head a little, then I can make more sense of the situation in the morning.

I get off the floor and walk up the stairs, gripping the hand railing so I don't fall. Once in the spare bedroom, I jump into bed without turning the lights off. I'm too tired to do anything right now. Tomorrow morning, I'll make sense of things. Everything will be alright.

A/N: Hey guys, it's me! I decided to upload this chapter tonight instead of tomorrow, because I couldn't wait! I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Things got really heated, so you'll have to wait until the next chapter to see what happens! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and I will talk to you guys later. Bye!(:

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