Chapter 14

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As we both pull our suitcases out of the maze they call an airport, Mitch and I stop in awe to admire our surroundings. The sky is a beautiful light blue color, with no clouds in sight. My favorite kind of day.

Those four days were the longest days of my life. All I did was hang around and grind out videos with Mitch. While we weren't recording, we were talking about all the fun we were going to have in Jamaica. The snow melted two days before we left, which was good. The weather wasn't very hot when we left Montreal, but it wasn't too bad either. But now that we're finally here, it makes all the waiting worthwhile. Even though we did only wait four days.

"Let's wait here for Alanna and Jessica, they told me they left for the bathroom." I hear Mitch mumble next to me, as he pulls out his phone and begins snapchatting pictures of the surrounding area. We're standing in front of the airport we just came out of, next to a line of planted palm trees. There's also a bunch of short buildings distantly surrounding the area. All I see is bright colors, pots filled with exotic flowers and the short buildings. There are other people exiting the airport and entering small dirty white taxis parked on the side of the road. I pull my phone out from the back pocket of my black jeans and check Google Maps, discovering that the airport is around twenty minutes away from our hotel. All we need to do is await the girls then we can go.

A few minutes later, I hear a series of laughs behind us. I turn around, only to see Jessica and Alanna approaching us, wearing completely new outfits than before. Jessica is wearing a sleeveless white tank top with a lightweight beige sweater overtop. Her shirt is tucked into some white short shorts, which flatter her long tanned legs. She's also wearing some black open-toes high heels. Her long, straight auburn hair is parted closer to the right side of her head. Meanwhile, Alanna is wearing long black high-waisted skinny jeans and black open-toed high heels with lots of straps, which make her about 4 inches taller than she was before. She's also wearing a tight-fitting white and grey stripped t-shirt. Her long, bleached curly hair is parted right down the middle of her head and falls over her shoulders. Her pale hair makes her skin look even paler, which makes her resemble Elsa from the movie 'Frozen', except Elsa doesn't have a golden nose ring.

As they approach us, Jessica whispers something to Alanna, which causes them both to laugh. Mitch is still taking photos of the surrounding trees, so he doesn't notice. I just decide to ignore it. After they finish laughing, I put my phone in my back pocket so I don't seem impolite. I notice that Jessica is eyeing Mitch from head to toe as she bites her bottom lip. I can't help but get jealous and clench my fists, trying not to make a scene. Neither of them know Mitch and I like each other yet.

Jessica taps Mitch's shoulder with her index finger and he lifts his head at her. She beams at him as he looks at her outfit, his eyes widening. She runs a hand through her hair as she confidently stands there, obviously enjoying all the attention. After a few seconds of watching her, Mitch nervously looks me in the eye and nods, as if signaling for help. I immediately take action and clap my hands together.

"Okay, so I just checked Google Maps, and it says our hotel is about twenty minutes away. That building over there is the car dealership, so let's go pick up our rental car. Then we'll go to the hotel and just chill for a bit, maybe go to the beach." I declare, pointing to a tall building connected to the airport covered with glass windows.

"Sounds good to me." Jessica replies as she grabs her suitcase from behind her and begins strutting over to the building, with Alanna following close behind.

"Yep." Mitch croaks, as he quickly grabs my hand and pulls me after Jessica and Alanna, with his suitcase in the other hand. As we walk, I admire our surroundings, breathtaken by everything around us. Sometimes I have to blink multiple times to even process where I am, it's so amazing.

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