Chapter 3

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I sit at the kitchen table twiddling my fingers, waiting for Mitch to finish his game of Cops and Robbers. The omelette is sizzling in the pan on the stove behind me. Suddenly, the sizzling stops. I turn around to face the stove, but to my surprise I see Mitch standing there, lifting the pan. He puts the omelette on a plate and begins to eat.

After that conversation with myself a few minutes ago, I realize that I'm nervous. After telling myself that I liked Mitch, being around him made my palms sweat and my voice crack. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

"How was your recording, biggums?" I ask him, as he takes a seat across from me at the table.

"Oh, it was hilarious! We played the mutant creatures mod and Adam (SkyDoesMinecraft) kept getting attacked by mutant skeletons. He never made it to the boat! Those creatures are scary."

'Yea, I know the feeling of being scared of something."

Mitch smiles at me. His smile is so cute, it sends a tingle of pleasure up my spine. Whenever I see him smile, I can't help but smile back and blush a little. I hope he doesn't notice.

Suddenly, I realize that I haven't recorded anything for my channel today. I should play something with Mitch.

"Mitch, wanna record some Hunger Games? I haven't uploaded anything today."

"Sure, let's go."

We make our way upstairs. I set up my laptop and my traveling microphone on Mitch's extra desk as he takes a seat at his desk. Once we're both on the Nexus, we join a Hunger Games in server 8, as we both hit record.

"Hey what's going on doods, it's Mitch or BajanCanadian here! I'm here with Jerome on the Hunga Deens!"

"To the left, to the left! That's right, buddy! I'm here with the Benja, and we're gonna bash some skulls today!"

Before we have time to continue our intro, the game begins and we both spring towards the center chests. I get a wooden axe off spawn, but sadly get spawn-killed by another guy who is welding a stone sword.

"I got a golden sword from a chest. I'll try and find the guy who killed you."

"Thanks, buddy. I have another eight seconds until I muttate."

Once I finally muttate, we wonder the whole map for the guy who killed me, but neither Mitch or I can find him. After ten minutes of searching, we finally find him, hiding inside a deep cave. Mitch gets him low on health, but at the last second, the guy places a TNT. This causes me to explode and die.

"Aw, dang it! I can't muttate because the game says that nobody killed me!"

"I'll kill everyone in this game for you, buddy."

Before he has a chance to keep his promise, someone sneaks up behind him and pushes him into some cactus. He then proceeds to trap Mitch in some cobweb, then shoot him with his bow repeatedly, until he dies. As we get automatically taken back to the Nexus lobby, we both burst into laughter. I press the record button again, stopping my video.

"Mitch, you wanna scrap this Hunger Games?"

"Are you kidding?! That was hilarious!"

I hear Mitch close Skype and stop his recording. He falls off his desk chair and hits the ground with a thud. He continues to laugh as I sit in my chair admiring him. Everything about him is perfect. His hair, his smile, his eyes, his face, his body, everything. Sadly, it will never be mine.

I realize that I'm staring at him. I blink a few times, trying to get my eyes to focus on something other than Mitch. Once my eyes focus, I see that Mitch is eyeing me in a weird way.

"Why are you staring at me, buddy?" He gets off the floor as he pulls his shirt off. He walks towards his dresser in search for a new shirt. He succeeds and covers his chest with a grey t-shirt.

"Just kind of zoned out there. I should get going to bed."

"It's all good. Night, Jerome."

"Goodnight, Mitch." I turn off my laptop and head out of his room, closing the door behind me. I lean against his closed door, letting a sigh of relief. Hopefully he didn't notice my staring too much.

I walk into the spare bedoom. I change into a pair of pajamas before I climb into bed. Once I have the sheets over me, I pick up my iPad and read another chapter of that fanfiction story that Mitch hated. After finishing Chapter 12, I set the iPad on the bedside table and begin to doze off. Before falling into a deep sleep, I begin to think about Mitch. About everything we've been through and about how I like him. I like him a lot, more than he will ever know.

I have dreams about Mitch that night.

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