Chapter 15

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Once I've completely unpacked my suitcase, I shove it underneath my bed and let out a heavy sigh. I'm so happy to finally be here in Jamaica, with two of my best friends. Speaking of which, I should probably go hang out with Alanna, considering she's probably alone in her hotel room while Mitch and Jessica are down at the beach. I sit on the couch next to my bed and decide to check my phone before I go talk to Alanna. I check my camera roll to see a video on it. Confused, I click on it and begin watching on the highest volume. It's the video from the time Mitch and I had that snowball fight a few days ago.

"Hey everybody what's going on! Jerome here, and I just pranked Mitch!" I hear through the camera as my face appears on the screen, with trees whizzing by. It appears that I'm running in the video. A few moments later, the camera switches angles to show Mitch running towards the camera with a snowball in his hand. He's yelling at me to stop running.

"My god, Mitch! I've never heard a bigger lie in my entire life!" I hear myself respond as the camera continues to shake, showing that I'm still running. I hear my breathing start to get louder and as it does, the camera stops shaking as much and the trees slow down around me, representing that I'm not running anymore. Eventually, the camera is completely still and pointing at Mitch as he rushes towards the camera. Once he's close, the camera is shoved into his shoulder, which means that Mitch hugged me. After a few seconds, the camera is above both of our heads and I'm smiling up at it. Mitch is smiling warmly at me.

"Aww, did the Benj miss his Bacca?" I see myself ask, just before Mitch's smile turns into an evil laugh as he pulls my shirt towards him and shoves a snowball down. My face turns into utter shock and I scream as the camera is suddenly grabbed by Mitch and begins shaking as he runs even further down the road. The camera stays pointed at his face the whole time he's running, houses blurred around him as all I can see is his beautiful face smiling up at the camera as he runs. A face of pure joy. I smile down at my phone. I can't help it, he's too adorable.

Suddenly, he stops running as a faint voice can be heard in the background. It's hard to here through the camera, but I can barely make it out.

"Have fun freezing out here, Mitch!" I hear myself say as Mitch's expression goes from happy to confused.

"What?! You're just going to leave me out here to die?! He screams down the road as he begins walking back the way he just came. I hear myself speak again, saying Mitch betrayed my trust. He threatens me by saying he has my phone, and I quickly retaliate by admitting that I have his phone as well. His eyes roll at my response, and I can't resist but take a screenshot of him on my phone.

"Dangit!" He yells as he begins running again, the camera beginning to shake once more. The moment he reaches me, he puts my phone in front of my face, revealing my unamused expression. It was obviously fake, considering I remember having a great time. He asks me how I'm feeling, and I answer by saying I'm cold, staring straight into the camera lens. Mitch laughs at my words as he continues to walk with me, asking if I want to do the outro. I respond by letting him do it. In the corner of the camera, I can see his hand under my shirt. Hopefully none of the fans will see that.

"Alright! Well, thank you doods for watching another vlog with Mitch and Jerome, we hope you all enjoyed! Make sure to slap that like button for more vlogs coming in the future and we will see you all later!" Mitch recites, looking into the camera and occasionally raising his eyebrow as he speaks. I don't pay any attention to myself, most likely because I don't care. I only pay attention to Mitch.

Once Mitch finished the outro, I hear myself scream 'bananas' as Mitch raises his thumb up to the camera and stops the recording.

I click the 'More' button on my phone, clicking 'Next', then hitting the 'YouTube' button. I paste in my usual description and add a title. "Funny Snowball Prank w/ Mitch and Jerome!" Once I've adjusted all the little details, like the tags and the quality of the video, I hit "Upload", as the video quickly begins to upload to YouTube. I lock my phone and shove it into my back pocket, grabbing my wallet and a keycard from on top of my dresser and wander over to the front door. Just as I open it, I see Alanna standing in the hallway, her fist raised to the door. She's wearing a new outfit from before, this one being a red thin-strapped top and light blue jeans with flat black sandals.

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